Subject: 3 training techniques to get you bigger, stronger & leaner...


We want these things...that's why we train...

Here are the techniques:

Phase 1 - Get Bigger (using Constant Tension Timed Sets) - these give you consistent time-under-tension (TUT) which is critical for hypertrophy. Brutal, but effective.

For example, set your timer for 40 perform an exercise with NO break in tension until the timer goes off. This requires a lot of mental discipline as our default is usually to find a way to take a "rest" during a set. You'll need to use lighter weight (it takes a bit of practice to get the load right). Just focus on maintaining that tension as you move through the exercise until your timer is done.

Phase 2 - Get Stronger (using Cluster Sets) - this technique delays fatigue due to waste product accumulation, allowing you to get more reps with a specific weight than you normally could with "straight through" sets. This increases mechanical tension on the muscles.

For example, take a weight you can get 10 reps with and do a set of 4 reps. Take 10 seconds rest, then do another 4 reps. Take 10 seconds rest...repeat until you've completed 6 total "mini-sets". This means you got 24 reps with a weight you could normally get 10 with. Powerful!

Phase 3 - Get Leaner
(using Omni Sets) - these strategically-arranged sets allow you to target your muscles from a variety of angles, allowing for more training volume and heavier weight to be used over the course of the workout before fatigue compromises your strength too much. This means more work gets done in a workout...and more fat gets burned while you keep your muscle mass.

For example, Set 1 - high incline flyes. Set 2 - flat flyes. Set 3 decline flyes....all with the same weight. Or for back, Set 1 - wide-grip pull-ups. Set 2 - reverse grip chin-ups. Set 3 - regular grip chin-ups.

The training techniques are found in Vince Del Monte's new "beta" version of his No Nonsense Muscle Building program.

--> Get Bigger, Stronger & Leaner In 18-Weeks With The Beta NNMB 2.0 System

These techniques are for real (I've used them all myself) and the workouts are all laid out for you (no guesswork involved).

Bottom line, if you're serious about developing your physique...bigger, stronger, and leaner...this is something you should definitely have a look at. It's good stuff.

--> YOU... Bigger, Stronger & Leaner In 18-Weeks Flat...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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