Subject: 3 toxic snack foods to stay away from...

You're busy...and when you're always on
the go, it can be hard to find the time to
prepare snacks with good quality foods
from home.

Sometimes you might find yourself eating a few convenient
snacks along the way ...ones that you can quickly grab and
put in your purse, backpack, or desk at work.

There's no question that snacking can be a part of healthy
diet plan and can help you maintain your energy levels
throughout the day while keeping your blood sugar levels
more stabilized...

...but, if you're not careful with the snack choices you're
choosing, you could actually be doing more harm than good.

There are snacks that many people choose on a regular
basis that are actually toxic to the body and won't do
anything positive for promoting good health.

By learning what these snacks are and then making sure
to rid them from your diet plan, you can ensure that you
are putting only the highest of quality foods in your body
on a regular basis.

Here are three toxic snack foods that you should dump immediately.

1 single flat belly tip that you didn't know --- click here

1. Anything With Processed Cheese

The first toxic snack food is anything that contains
processed cheese. Whether it's string cheese, cheese
spread, or some other form of artificial cheese.

They're often very high in chemical additives and can also
add trans-fats into your diet.

They don't offer nearly the same amount or quality of
protein as a real source of organic/unprocessed cheese
would, either.

If you want cheese, choose a smarter variety. Opt for
Greek cheese or feta cheese and you'll provide your
body with more vitamins and minerals along with energy
for the hours to come.

2. Chips And Crackers

The second of the toxic snack foods that you must
eliminate from your diet immediately are chips and

Even if they are the 'low fat' variety, don't be fooled.
These are still not a healthy addition to your diet (and
baked chips are even worse then "regular" chips, to
be quite honest, because of the toxic acrylamides
found in them)

Snacks such as these also typically contain trans-fats,
which are the worst kinds of fats that you can eat.
Even very small amounts aren't great for you.

In addition, these snacks are full of processed carbs
that will send blood glucose levels soaring and then
crashing shortly thereafter.

3. Cereal And Energy Bars

Finally, we come to cereal or energy bars. Not only
are these very high in sugar (or high-glucose
fructose corn syrup as the case may be), but many
also contain artificial food dyes or colorings.

They're basically devoid of protein content in most
cases, so won't provide you the balanced snack
you're after.


So these are the three toxic snack foods that you
should give the boot from your diet immediately.
Make sure they aren't putting you in harm's way.

To learn 1 single tip that can boost your metabolism
AND shave inches off your belly, click below

1 single flat belly tip that you didn't know --- click here

To your health,

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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