Subject: 3 forms of resistance in 1 push-up exercise (awesome chest workout!)

This exercise is a deadly combination of three different methods of resistance (and a possible FOURTH, which I'll tell you about at the end of the first part).

This is a Low Pully Push-Up Cross-Over...

First, you're going to be doing a regular push-up (on your fists)...simple, right?

Second, you're going to be holding the two low pulleys of a cable cross-over machine in your fists while you're doing the push-up. These pulleys will be actively trying to pull your hands apart while you're doing the push-ups, forcing your pecs to contracting constantly and directly laterally while they're also being used to push your body up.

Third, on each rep, we're going to balance on one fist then bring one handle underneath and across your body, similar to a crossover that comes across. This is going to add great tension to the extreme inner pec area.

Combine all these into one exercise, and you've got a DEADLY chest movement (that fourth form of resistance is adding directly onto the push-up via a sandbag on your back, or weight plates, or a partner pushing down).

Here's how to do set it up and do it...

First, set the handles on the low pulleys and set a fairly light weight on the first time you do it. Kneel down and grab one handle then go over and grab the other.

Get into push-up position on your fists, bring the cables into the middle. Set your feet out wide to increase your base of support for when you're on one fist.

Come down into the bottom position of the push-up then back up.

Now the fun part...while balancing on your left fist, bring the cable underneath and across your body, squeeze and hold for a second or two. This will light up the inner aspect of your pecs.

Bring your hand back out and set it down again.

Drop down and do another push-up then come back up and bring the OTHER hand under and across and squeeze.

Repeat until your chest is screaming...

That's it!

Now, if you're strong enough and want to add even MORE resistance to the movement, this is the next level.

For me, it's a 70 lb sandbag on my back. It's the easiest thing to get into position for doing a weighted push-up. You can use a sandbag or weight plates or a partner pushing down on your back...whatever you've got available.

It's a bit tough to see in this picture, but I have it resting lengthwise down my back. Same execution of the exercise.

There you have it! This exercise combines multiple resistances to really overload the entire chest.

And if you'd like even MORE super-effective chest exercises like this, be sure to check out my book "The Best Chest Exercises You've Never Heard Of":


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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