Subject: 3 fat-loss workout...(try this)

A BIG part of GOOD training for fat loss is working to ALSO maintain muscle and strength.

This very simple 3-exercise circuit will help you do exactly that, by targeting every major muscle group in your body (including your core) while working through the three major rep ranges (low, medium and high) to cover all your muscle fiber types.

It uses very simple equipment (i.e. dumbbells and a bench) and will help you get in and out of the gym in an extremely time-efficient manner.

The three exercises we're going to use are all what's called "unilateral" exercises, meaning you'll be working one limb at a time...One-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press, One-Arm Dumbbell Rows and One-Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats.

This single-limb training is why every single exercise also works your core...your deep abdominal muscles have to work hard to deal with the one-sided loads on your body.

The workout will be divided into three separate blocks. You'll be working through all three exercises non-stop...working both limbs then moving immediately to the next exercise, restarting the cycle after finishing the last exercise.

(e.g. right-arm press, left-arm press, right-arm-row, left-arm row, right-leg split squat, left-leg split-squat, repeat)

Block 1 - 3 rep sets - 5 rounds - Strength

Block 2 - 6 rep sets - 4 rounds - Hypertrophy

Block 3 - 12 rep sets - 3 rounds - Endurance

You'll notice as the target reps increase, you'll be doing fewer rounds. The idea here is to do that EXACT number of reps on EVERY set of the Block.

Each block will take you about 9-10 minutes of CONTINUOUS activity to perform (which is extremely effective for fat loss!). Within the training block, the only "rest" you get is the time it takes you to get started on the next exercise (and don't slack here!). Total workout time is about 40 minutes.

After finishing the block, take 2-3 minutes rest, adjust the weights downward (to account for the increase in reps) then repeat for the next block of target reps.

When selecting weights for each block, keep in mind, this workout is all about VOLUME (for fat loss!), not intensity (for muscle growth or strength). We're simply trying to do a lot of work in a time-efficient manner without overloading the nervous system.

That means even though the rep target is 3 reps, you want to use a weight you could get at least 6-8+ reps with normally. Fatigue will catch up to you and we want to stay on the 3 rep target (or 6 or 12).

Here's what it looks like:


Exercise #1 - One-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press

Here are the weights that I used for the exercise in each round, as an example. Use whatever weight you feel is the best load for you.

Block 1 - 85 lb dumbbell
Block 2 - 65 lb dumbbell
Block 3 - 40 lb dumbbell

You'll notice with this exercise that I have my butt off the bench...only my upper back is resting on the bench. I find this to be much more effective for the one-arm bench press as it allows you balance the load more effectively with your legs and core.

When you're laying fully on a bench, you can't exert enough tension with the legs to account for heavy loading on just one side.

Use both hands to get the dumbbell into position.

Then lower it as you would a normal dumbbell press then press up.

When you've done 3 reps (on Block 1), rest the dumbbell on your chest, switch hands, then repeat.

When you've finished your 3 reps, set the dumbbell down and go straight to the next exercise.

Here's a straight-on view of the exercise as well (taken from Block 3, Round 1).


Exercise #2 - One-Arm Dumbbell Rows

Block 1 - 105 lb dumbbell
Block 2 - 85 lb dumbbell
Block 3 - 65 lb dumbbell

This is done with standard form. I would recommend setting your foot a little further out to the side and keeping the dumbbell inside your leg, so it stays inside your base of support. This makes one-arm rowing MUCH more effective as you're in a stronger position to perform the movement.

Because you started with your right arm on the press, start with your right arm on the rows.

Row up with a hard contraction in the back. Make sure you keep an arch in your lower back for maximum lat activation.

Do 3 reps then switch around and work the other arm.

Set the dumbbell down and go straight to the next exercise.


Exercise #3 - One-Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats

For this exercise, I used the same dumbbell as I did for the row, making the equipment usage even more streamlined.

Block 1 - 105 lb dumbbell
Block 2 - 85 lb dumbbell
Block 3 - 65 lb dumbbell

This exercise is going to work your thighs and your hip muscles very effectively.

Because you were just rowing with the left hand, you'll start by holding the dumbbell in your RIGHT hand, with your left leg forward.

Your back foot will be resting on the bench. You'll hold that split squat position and just move your body up and down.

Holding a single dumbbell in this fashion puts a great deal of tension through the core as well (some leaning forward is normal and permissible in this exercise).

Perform your reps on one leg, then switch legs.

When you've completed your reps, go IMMEDIATELY back to One-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press and start Round 2.


That's the circuit!

As you can see, EVERY exercise targets the core, in addition to the muscles you're primarily working. It's a complete total-body workout that uses very simple equipment and takes up very little space.

This makes it ideal for home gym AND crowded gym training!

I would HIGHLY recommend you check out the video I put together for this workout on my YouTube channel.

It'll give you the best idea of how this training is done. The first cycle through is done at normal speed - I've massively sped up the rest, though, so you don't have watch a 40-minute workout at normal speed!

If you've got my "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss" program and want to work this in, this workout could be used in place of the Time-Volume Training done on first two "low-fat" days of each round.

If you DON'T have my Metabolic Surge program, you are REALLY missing out.

In my (slightly biased) opinion, it's really one of THE best fat-loss programs on the market today.

Check it out here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
muscle and develop YOUR best physique.

Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass
Mad Scientist Muscle
Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss
Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt Now!
The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of
