Subject: 3 Ways to Build Muscle Fast

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got a short guest article from Jason Ferruggia, author of the
"Triple Threat Muscle" program I've been telling you about this

*** And just fyi, TODAY is the last chance you'll be able to
grab a copy of his program for the introductory sales price. It's
an excellent program - no-nonsense, that's for sure!


This article below is good, practical info that you can apply to
your own muscle-building training. And if you haven't had a
chance to listen in on the interview I did with Jason the other
day, you can still grab that here:




P.S. Got a great exercise to tell you about tomorrow so stay tuned...


3 Ways to Build Muscle Fast

To build muscle fast you need to present the body with a
stimulus that it isn’t used to. This stress will cause the body
to adapt by building itself up bigger and stronger.

Where most people go wrong is that they think they need to
annihilate the muscle in order to elicit any type of response.
This is counterproductive. When you annihilate the muscle with
tons of sets, reps and constantly train to failure and beyon you
drastically increase your recovery time. The problem with that is
that training frequency is very important. So when you increase
your recovery time you have to decrease your training frequency.
You’re shooting yourself in the foot.

The key is to do just enough to stimulate size and strength
gains but not annihilate yourself so that it takes forever to
recover, or worse- that you put yourself in a state of

If you want to make consistent size gains you have to make
consistent strength gains (in a hypertrophy rep range), while
eating enough food and allowing enough time for recovery.

The body will respond to any given stimulus one time and one
time only. If you place the same demands on it a second time
(like pressing the same weight for the same reps) nothing will
happen. You must always be forcing it to adapt and thus you must
always ask it do something it isn’t used to.

The easiest way to do this is add more weight or do more reps
with the same weight (but no more than 10-12 for the upper body
and 15-20 for the lower body).

Aside from making consistent strength gains the next most
important thing to consider is training frequency. To improve
anything in life you need to do it frequently. Building muscle is
no different.

So you want to train a muscle as frequently as possible, while
it is in a fresh and recovered state. This means that you should
be training each body part once every 2-5 days, and not once a
week like a lot of the muscle mags recommend. That’s too little
frequency. The more times you can stimulate growth throughout the
year the better. Obviously 104 growth stimulating workouts per
year for each body part would be a lot better than 52.

Summing it up, to build muscle fast you need to do the following
three things:

- Constantly get stronger.

- Stimulate but don’t annihilate (12-16 sets per workout.
Don’t go to failure)

- Train each muscle group more frequently than once per week.

Jason Ferruggia


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