Subject: 3 Ways to Boost Your T Levels in the Gym

You and I both know that if you want to maximize your results from training, you need to maximize your testosterone.

If your "T" levels are low, you're not going to build a whole lot of muscle and's pretty much as simple as that.

If you've got questions about this, I've got a guest article here from The Man Diet author Chad Howse.



3 Ways to Boost Your T Levels in the Gym

When Nick asked me to put this together I immediately thought of Theodore Roosevelt’s “Dare Greatly” speech because, hopefully, it’s what you’re doing.

Rather than being content with mediocrity, you’re walking into the murky waters of life, into the deep end where few venture, and you’re putting yourself out there, you’re training, you’re hustling, you’re evolving. 

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

When you’re daring greatly, training your body beyond exertion, you want to ensure that all of your blood, sweat, and tears don’t go to waste. You want to ensure that the training you’re doing produces the results you want.

This is where the focus of the article comes in: testosterone.

Testosterone is the male sex hormone. It’s also a hormone involved in tissue repair – namely, muscle repair – as well as fat loss processes. There’s a reason why athletes take steroids (a synthetic and not as efficient form of the hormone that occurs naturally in your body).

They work.

They also stop you from naturally producing optimal testosterone levels. So if you want bitch tits and impotence later in life, by all means take them. If, however, you want to naturally increase your testosterone levels so you can get the most from your body, then read on.

3 Exercises That Will Help You Boost Testosterone Levels

The process of naturally increasing testosterone levels is an interesting one with many correlations.

For example, did you know that body fat is estrogenic? So simply by exercising in general you’re going to boost your testosterone levels by lowering your body fat levels.

Muscle is also anabolic, in that it will help increase your naturally occurring testosterone levels. So while much of your testosterone levels can be regulated and increased by simple changes in your diet and lifestyle, you can definitely give them a solid jolt by doing the following exercises.



Sprinting and other explosive movements have been shown to increase testosterone levels in a number of studies. But sprints do more for your T levels than a simple boost post-sprint.

Sprinting allows you to maintain your lean muscle mass while burning extra calories and cutting fat. Again, fat is estrogenic, so the leaner you are the better off you are from a hormonal standpoint so long as you’re maintaining that lean, anabolic muscle mass.

The bonus is they also help with your cardiovascular health and endurance. At the end of a workout, add 3-4 sprints to give yourself a nice boost in testosterone that will help recovery.


Lift Heavy Weights.

While training in general will have a positive effect on your testosterone levels, you’ll need to lift heavy weights at lower reps to get a real boost in this wonderful man-hormone.

More than that, studies have shown that longer rest periods of around 120 seconds are needed to see a real boost in T.

So, if you’re getting stronger in the gym you’re likely boosting your testosterone levels as well.


Oly’s and Big Lifts.

It’s not just the heavy lifts that will give you a boost in T, but the exercises you’re performing. One study shows that the hormonal response you get from the bigger, lower body lifts far exceeds the response you’ll get from upper body lifts.

So, add more deadlifts, squats, and Olympic lifts to your routine to see that boost in testosterone that’s going to help you build more muscle, burn more fat, maintain your sexual and mental health, and thrive as a man.

What to do next?

Training is only a part of the battle, diet and lifestyle are the other two parts and they’re incredibly important.

If you’re not feeding yourself the right macros at the right times, you’re not going to be giving your body the nutrients it needs to create testosterone, thus, you’ll be lagging in the manliness battle.

Take a look at this page to learn about simple changes in diet and lifestyle that will help you boost your testosterone levels and keep them thriving for the rest of your life.


Chad's book "The Man Diet" is right on target, in my opinion and experience.

Most diets are NOT designed with testosterone in mind....they'd designed with fat-loss in mind...and those two goals are not always lined up exactly.

You need to know how to best go about losing fat while still maintaining T's critically important and you'll FEEL much better and get much better results with his approach.

Check it out here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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