Subject: 3 MASSIVE mistakes that keep guys scrawny & weak

If you're after both size AND strength, there are 3 big-time mistakes that you absolutely MUST avoid.


Doing Body Part Split Routines BEFORE You Have Strength & Size

If you can't bench your bodyweight 10 times, then you need to work on getting stronger first before doing split routines.

Strength is the quality everything else can be built on. If your nervous system isn't ready and your bones, tendons & ligaments aren't strong, you're not going to be able to support the muscle you're trying to build.

The best built guys (in terms of muscle development) generally come from a strength background. They built strength BEFORE they started training with split routines and body part isolation workouts.

Look at the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger as an example. He started out as an Olympic lifter and Powerlifter before he got into bodybuilding. 

Arnold built the foundational frame needed to support all that muscle in his teens with basic compound movements.

Even Arnold's mentor and 3X Mr. Universe, Reg Park, could deadlift 700 lbs, squat 605 lbs and bench press 500 lbs...and this was before steroids even existed!

BOTTOM LINE: If you see a huge, ripped guy at the gym isolating muscle groups with super light weight, just remember, what he's doing there is NOT what built the size you see now.

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Horrible Mistakes 2 & 3 Keeping Guys Scrawny 

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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