Subject: 3 Finger Exploding Forearm Technique...KILLER grip work...

Your overall grip strength is NOT determined by the strength of your thumb and second finger...

Your grip strength is determined by the strength of your 3 OTHER fingers...the middle, fourth finger and pinky.

THOSE are the fingers that fatigue first, which then transfers the load onto your thumb and second finger...which THEN causes your grip to fail.

So to maximize grip strength, you need to bring the strength of those fingers up to speed with the primary two.

That's what THIS simple technique does...I call it the 3 Finger Exploding Forearm Technique as a callback to the Kill Bill movies.

Get the full rundown on how this method can BLOW UP your forearms and grip strength FAST...

This one is going to light your forearms and grip on FIRE.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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