Subject: 3 BIG problems I have with gluten-free eating...

Gluten is evil...right?

Well, if you listen to much of the nutritional talk currently
out there, you might think that it was sent by demons to
destroy the digestive systems of mankind!

Here's the's not evil.

Gluten is just gluten...

And there are varying levels of intolerance to it, ranging
from hardly any at all staight through to full-blown Celiac
disease (where gluten causes MAJOR digestive issues).

I'll be straight up with you...I DO believe that most people
would do well to eliminate or dramatically reduce their
intake of foods that have gluten in them...wheat is by far
the biggest culprit.

My wife noticed a BIG difference when she dropped
gluten, yet she's never been diagnosed with any formal
intolerance to it.

I very rarely eat gluten myself. I don't have big reactions
to it, but I know what it can do internally to the digestive
system even when there isn't a big sensitivity.

There ARE three big problems I have with gluten-free
eating, though...

1. Highly-Processed Gluten-Free Foods
Aren't Necessarily Healthy

This reminds me of the low-carb craze that happened a
few years back. A glut of low-carb junk foods flooded
the market...low-carb cookies, chocolate bars, chips...
you name it.

And people bought the stuff because it was low-carb
which meant it was "healthy," right?

It's the same thing with a lot of the gluten-free foods on
the market. Just because they're gluten-free, doesn't
mean they're any good for you.

2. Foods That Were Always Gluten-Free
Are Now Pumped Up as Gluten-Free

I supposed I can't blame a company for wanting to jump
on an easy bandwagon like this because yes...that bottled
water you're selling IS gluten-free.

But it always WAS gluten-free. This is not a new thing. And
yes, awesome...gluten-free chicken.

3. Some Gluten-Free Foods Taste HORRIBLE

Gluten-free bread is the biggest culprit that I've come
across, but it doesn't end there. There are lot of other
gluten-free foods that I've tasted that are just as cringeworthy.


Here's the thing...eating gluten-free DOESN'T have to be like this.

You can have delicious, healthy wholesome foods that don't
taste like sand in your mouth.

For example, check these out...totally gluten-free and VERY tasty:

"This Can't Be Cereal" Cereal

Zucchini Bison Boats

Raspberry Fro-Pro


Looks pretty good to me... :)

If you'd like to see the recipes for those 3 dishes, click here.

On that same page, you can pick up a GREAT cookbook
that has 117 MORE gluten-free recipes just like these.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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