Subject: 2X faster muscle growth with this type of set...

It may even be a type of set you're already familiar with...but didn't realize it's true value and potential.

And I've worked it into several of my own programs because it WORKS.

I've got another guest article here for you from my friend and colleague Dr. Carl Juneau that talks about this powerful technique.


How to Build Muscle in Half the Time With The Rest-Pause Technique

This one is almost too good to be true:

Researchers from Brazil have found you can build muscle just as fast (or faster) with 1 set than you would with 3 normal sets (Prestes et al. 2017).

But it comes with a twist: you have to use a special technique.

Here’s what they did:

– They split 18 trained men and women into 2 groups

– Both groups trained for 6 weeks

– After 6 weeks, boths groups gained strength, but the special technique group gained more muscular endurance and hypertrophy in the legs

So, with that technique, you should gain just as much strength… and maybe even MORE muscle… with just 1 set (!) than you would with 3 normal sets!

I’ve tested this technique on myself and a few coaching clients and I can confirm it works. We’re seeing similar gains with shorter workouts.

In fact, our workouts are about 60% shorter (because we’re doing just 1 set instead of 3). Think 25 minutes instead of 1 hour. So, we’re saving 1-2 hours a week. I’m not kidding: this technique alone could save you hundreds of hours over the course of your lifting career!

I’ve tweaked the technique, and based on my experience, this is how I recommend you do it:

Simply double your reps, using as many 40-second rests as you need. For example:

– Do your set like you normally would (e.g. 7 reps on bench press)
– Rest 40 seconds
– Do as many reps as you can with good form (e.g. 4 reps)
– Rest 40 seconds
– Do as many reps as you can with good form (e.g. 3 reps)
– You’re done!

This count as 1 “rest-pause set” and the Brazilian researchers have found it leads to similar or better results than 3 normal sets.

On a personal note, I’ve been training with this technique since Sept. 2017. I’m seeing similar gains with shorter workouts and I don’t think I’ll ever go back.

In fact, I like it so much, I’ve asked my team to implement it in the new bodybuilding app we’re building. It’s called Dr. Muscle.

Dr. Muscle is like a personal trainer in your pocket. It tells you exactly what to do when you lift weights to build muscle faster, and it’s 10 times cheaper than a human trainer.

With Dr. Muscle, you can expect to gain up to 25 lbs in 1 year (if you’re just starting out). If you’re more experienced, Dr. Muscle will help you build up to 50 lbs over the course of your lifting career (even more if you’re taller than the average man).

Dr. Muscle is 100% automated. It uses AI to learn from your last workouts and apply the best science-based training methods automatically, so you can focus on lifting heavy and getting jacked. And it’s easy to use: your first workout is ready in 2 minutes after a quick 1-time, 5-tap setup.

With Dr. Muscle:

– You get a workout plan that grows with you, so you build muscle as fast as possible

– Your plan updates every workout automatically and you always train with the optimal reps and sets to build muscle fast

– Your plan also levels up automatically with new exercises as you progress, so you hit your muscles from more angles and hypertrophy them in full

– Your workouts are customized at the exercise level, so your weaker body parts don’t slow down your strongest

– Your rest between sets is matched automatically to your reps to maximize hypertrophy and strength

– You deload automatically when you accumulate fatigue, so you can break your plateau and start building muscle again.

Ready to build muscle faster with rest-pause sets and other advanced science-based methods? Try Dr. Muscle, the new personal trainer in your pocket:

Your brother in science-based natural bodybuilding,

Carl Juneau, PhD


Prestes J, Tibana RA, de Araujo Sousa E, da Cunha Nascimento D, de Oliveira Rocha P, Camarço NF, Frade de Sousa NM, Willardson JM. Strength And Muscular Adaptations Following 6 Weeks Of Rest-Pause Versus Traditional Multiple-Sets Resistance Training In Trained Subjects. J Strength Cond Res. 2017 Apr 4.


Nick here again...

I also want to let you know that Carl is going to give you your first month of Dr. Muscle for  FREE

This app is something that you need to really see (and test) in order to get an idea of what it can do for you.

It's literally like having your own high-level coach calculating the optimal sets, reps, rest and volume for you...EVERY SINGLE DAY.

It's not going replace a coach in terms of form and technique improvement, but if your lifting technique is good and you're looking for the best loading patterns to progress your strength and mass to a new level, this is something you'll definitely want to check out.

The level of customization and responsiveness from a pure strength-training perspective is unprecedented from anything else I've seen on the market.

The VAST majority of fitness apps allow you to track your workouts and show you basic exercise form, but they don't tell you exactly what you need to do next in your training in order to improve.

Those apps are fine for what they do but they're RE-active, not PRO-active, like Dr. Muscle is.

I'm a big fan of this concept. I got the chance to help Carl beta test it this past summer and I thought it was a phenomenal idea then...he's made even more improvements to it in the meantime, and he's continuing to update it with new features all the time.

Take Dr. Muscle for a FREE ONE MONTH test drive now!

FYI, this free month offer WILL expire on Sunday (November 5th) at midnight.

Read through the entire page and take note of everything the app has to offer. It's a LOT.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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