Subject: 208 lbs to 228 lbs in 6 weeks...the INSANE Bulgarian-style program that got me there...

So yesterday, I talked about how training frequency is truly one of the KEY factors for long-term muscle growth and strength gains.

I'll tell you flat out, it's absolutely one of THE biggest secrets that took my own training to the next level in my first year of lifting...

...and it's also the basis of a training program called "Visual Impact Frequency Training" by my friend and colleague, Rusty Moore (great program, btw...he uses frequency VERY effectively in it).

Well, today I wanted to expand on that and give you the exact high-frequency program I used to bulk myself up from a bodyweight of 208 lbs to 228 lbs in just 6 weeks...

... which is a LOT, considering I'm 5'10" and a natural ectomorph.


I did this program after about 7 years of solid training, so it was definitely not "beginner gainz."

Now, unfortunately, I don't have before and after pics as I did this program before digital cameras were really a thing...but here's a pic of me at about 215 lbs taken about 10 years ago...add another almost 15 lbs of meat to that at a similar bodyfat level and you'll get an idea.

In terms of sheer strength, I was about the strongest I ever was on the big 3 lifts at the end of that program (350 lb bench press, 560 lb squat, 520 lb deadlift).

I call the program "High Frequency Mass and Strength"...(yes, very creative name, I know)... and you can download the PDF file directly here for FREE.

I'll tell you right up front...this program is NUTS...literally insane...and I honestly don't even recommend it for most people (more of a cautionary tale :).

However, it WILL open your eyes as to what is really and truly possible when you discard any preconceived notions of how frequently you can train your muscles for maximum muscle and strength gains!

I know when I did it, I was BLOWN AWAY with the results I got from it.

Here's the download link again...enjoy!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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