Subject: 2 reports...six pack ab exercises and what to NEVER eat after a workout...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, got a couple of things for you to check out really quick - 2
free reports that I think you'll get a lot out of!


Report #1. "Secret" Six-Pack Abs Exercise Sequence

This is a great report from a trainer I've gotten to know
recently by the name of Carl Juneau. He's put together some
excellent information on training specifically with the purpose
of getting a six pack. He's got a great sequence of exercises put
together here that will give you a step-by-step formula for
getting that six pack in 2 months.

Naturally, fat loss is a key component of any six-pack
strategy...the right exercises can play a BIG role in really
getting them to "pop" nicely (if you've tried any of my insane ab
exercises, you know I'm right ;)

Anyway, you can grab that here - it's good stuff:


Report #2. What to NEVER Eat After Your Worokout

This is a special report from my partners at Prograde
Nutrition...39 pages of great nutritional on what you should and
shouldn't eat post-workout in order to really maximize your
results from your training.

I actually take a lot of their products (protein, pre-workout
formula, multivitamin, EFA's) so I can tell you from experience,
it's top-quality stuff.




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