Subject: 2 killer new chin-up variations and 2 new leg exercises...

Sometimes I like to just drop a little reminder that I post a lot of exercises on my Instragram page that don't always make it into the newsletter here.

With that in mind, I've got a bunch of cool stuff that you not have seen yet.

You don't need to have an Instragram account or be following me to watch them (though you should follow me :).


1. Horizontal Bands on Forearms Chin-Ups

This one puts continuous tension on the upper back horiziontally while you're working the lats vertically.


2. Swing Chin-Ups

This is a continuous-tension lat exercise that uses momentum to make the chin-up HARDER.


3. Leg Braced Squat to SLDL

This one hits the quads in isolation while alternating reps with a stiff-legged deadlift to hit the hamstrings and glutes.


4. Shin-Braced SLDL

I found this technique very useful for getting better hamstring activation on a Stiff-Legged Deadlift.


5. 350 Hits With 50 lb Sledgehammer

I did this last night...350 consecutive, non-stop strikes with a 50 lb hammer. It took 15 minutes to finish, video sped up 15X. Just brutally hard.


6. My Dog Eating a Pizza Crust

Comic relief from one of my fuzzbags.


If you like getting these exercises, you'll definitely want to follow my page here.


I've teamed up with 3 other fitness authors to bring you some killer fitness info gifts (totally free).

You can grab them here...

  • 6 Killer “Mad Scientist” Kettlebell Hacks (guess who that's from)
  • CORE Kettlebell Beginner's Guide - Forest Vance
  • 4 Free Courses to Hack the Flow State - Wilson Meloncelli
  • How To Get OMG Arms and Shoulders in Just 5 Minutes - From Kate Vidulich

They'll be available here until Monday only!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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