Subject: 2 eating tips for optimal testosterone levels...

We both know that testosterone is a CRITICAL component for building muscle...

Without high enough T levels, you're going to be struggling to put on even an ounce of muscle.

Yet it seems like just about everything in our society is conspiring to work AGAINST us when it comes to having healthy testosterone levels. I actually know guys in their 20's who have the T levels of a 50 year old male. It's scary.

So what I wanted to do here is hook you up with what I feel are 2 of the most important (and easiest) things you can do with your nutrition to keep your T levels high...and reap all the benefits from that.


1. Stop Eating Soy (with one exception)

Seriously. Do it now.

The ONLY soy you should be eating are fermented soy foods, like tofu or tempeh. All the processed junk that contains soy that you get at the store is TERRIBLE stuff...this includes those "nutrition bars" that use soy protein isolate to pretend they contain a lot of protein.

Not only does soy contain anti-nutrients that prevent absorption of the nutrients you DO want, the isoflavones found in soy can have estrogenic effects in your body.

If you drink soy milk, pour it down the sink (this goes for women, too). It's garbage. I recommend you use coconut milk instead...(even almond milk isn't's mostly water and carrageenan)

If your salad dressing is made almost entirely from soybean oil, get rid of it and use something else (balsamic vinegar and olive oil is a great way to go).


2. Don't Eat So Low-Fat...Eat The Yolks

STOP eating plain egg whites and only plain egg whites.

Eat the WHOLE egg...and don't worry about the saturated fat and cholesterol. That's the GOOD part. The yolk is where most of the nutrients are.

Cholesterol is a CRITICAL hormonal precursor to testosterone. If you're not getting enough of it through your diet, your T levels will tank.

And in terms of cholesterol being "bad" for you, I won't go into the science behind it but your body actually NEEDS a certain amount of cholesterol...and if you don't eat it, your body will MAKE it. The problem is, the stuff your body makes is more problematic than the stuff you eat.

And if you don't eat eggs, grass-fed beef is another great option, as are "fatty" fish like salmon. Coconut oil and olive oil...also excellent sources of fat.

Overall, though, one of the fastest ways to kill your testosterone levels is to reduce your fat intake to below 10% of your calories for extended periods of time...short periods of time are ok, but anything over a week or so and you'll feel the difference.


Give these two tips a try...they're very simple and very effective.

Now, if you want to go WAY beyond these two tips are really tailor your entire nutritional approach to maximizing your testosterone levels, I've got something awesome for you.

A friend and colleague of mine by the name of Clark Bartram has just released an excellent new product called "TestMax Nutrition."

If you've been around awhile in the fitness world, you might remember Clark as the guy in that EAS "evolution" ad from about 20 years ago.

Well, just like all of us, Clark has gotten older...he's now in his early 50's and looks just as good as that picture on the far right.

Dude is muscular and ripped at 53.

And his TestMax Nutrition program shares his entire nutritional approach for NATURALLY maximizing testesterone levels in men, especially as we age.

I've been going through it this afternoon...instructional videos, meal prep guides, food charts, the works. It's top-notch stuff. Very easy to understand and very well put together.

Clark takes a "food first" approach to improving testosterone levels in your body.

And I'll tell you right up front...while this program is currently on sale at a 50% discount, it's still not cheap. This is no $5 ebook and you'll see why when you read more about it.

This is a professional approach to maximizing your testosterone levels nutritionally...and it's worth every penny.

What you eat and the environment you live in has a profound effect on your body. Your FOOD intake is huge...and simple eating tips like the two I shared with you above can help a lot.

However, if you really want to make the most of your testosterone levels (the TRUE anti-aging hormone in men)...I would definitely encourage you to have a look at the TestMax Nutrition program.

It may be exactly what you need to get things "back on track" without resorting to hormone injections.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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