Subject: 2 crazy things I did this week...

Now, fair warning...these two exercises are truly awesome.

They're actually BOTH exercises you can absolutely do yourself....but they're not something you want to jump right into unprepared.


The first is a heavy Trap Bar Farmers Walk....with 645 pounds.

(here's the video on Instagram - you don't need an account to watch it)

The Farmers Walk is truly one of THE best exercises you can do. Nothing builds total body functional strength and power like this one.

In the description by the video, I give you some insight into how to safely do very heavy carries like this.


The second exercise was Behind-the-Back Sled Pulls for biceps.

Here's the video of that one on Instagram as well.

The purpose of this one is constant, heavy, loaded stretching on the biceps, which is a MASSIVE stimulus for muscle growth.

You can't see it in this pic, but I'm using a cable attachment bar behind my back.

Definitely read the description in the video notes to get the full info, if you think you might want to try it. I'll give you the full rundown there.


Final Note:

I post a fair bit of stuff like this on Instagram that doesn't always make it into the newsletter. If you want to see more and you have an account, definitely follow me on Instagram!

Enjoy the madness :).

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"


I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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