Subject: 2 Kettlebell Sit-Ups With Sprinkles...GREAT new six-pack exercise

This one just hammers the six-pack abs with a strong focus on the lower abs.

And while this verison is done with kettlebells, I'll show you a dumbbell version as well (which is actually the original one I came up with).

First, set a pair of kettlebells on the floor, a couple of feet apart.

This one uses the kettlebells as appartus rather than resistance, so the weight doesn't matter too much (they do need to be heavy enough to provide some stability in the exercise,'ll see).

Lie down between them and shift them inwards right up against your hips, as close in as you can.

Now you're going to do a straight-leg sit-up.

As you do the sit-up, try to pull the kettlebells inwards towards your body while also using them to assist with the sit-up, as needed (primarily try to pull inwards, though).

Come all the way up to the very top, until your torso is vertical.

Now for the "sprinkles"... we're going to add some sprinkles on top of the ice cream of the exercise to really maximize the contraction in the abs.

Lean forward and extend your elbows, pushing up into the top position of a dip (essentially). Keep your leg straight.

This extra movement goes right into the six-pack abs...the sit-up part acts like a pre-exhaust for it.

If you're strong enough, you could potentially try and keep your feet off the ground and come up into an "L sit." My hip flexors weren't having it, even though I did try :).

Set yourself back down on the floor, then lie back down (under control) and repeat the sequence. At the bottom, you may find you need to adjust the kb positioning (I do this in the video a few times).

Click here to see the Two Kettlebell Sit-Up With Sprinkles exercise in action.

I mentioned that I also have a dumbbell version of this that I came up with prior to this version.

You can see the video of that one in action here (minus the sprinkles...I hadn't thought of that part yet when I came up with the dumbbell version, though you could absolutely add that into this version as well).

It's a killer six-pack exercise as well!



If all you've got is a single kettlebell, I've got a training program for you...

I've mentioned this program the past few days...iT's s called "Visual Impact Kettlebell", created by my friends and collegaues Rusty Moore and Chris Lopez.

Now, if you're not an experienced kettlebell trainer, it doesn't can use this stuff.

Chris has been training exclusively with kettlebells for more than 15 years now and has become a master at teaching people with very little experience how to use them effectively.

I've done a decent amount of kettlebell training, but I don't even come close to the knowledge base he's got.


Here's a few of the things you'll discover in the course...

  • How to get an incredible Full Body workout with just one single kettlebell and the #1 TIP for picking out the perfect kettlebell weight.

  • The reason why kettlebells will work your fast-twitch fibers using a relatively light kettlebell… allowing you to move like a MUCH younger person WITHOUT stressing your joints.

  • Unlike a barbell, a kettlebell is a FIXED weight: these are the 5 main variables you can adjust to get KILLER results and challenge yourself when the weight never changes.

  • How kettlebell lifts performed in the right way torch calories, and why you don’t necessarily have to do traditional “cardio exercises” at all to burn calories and lose body fat.

  • How to make a kettlebell feel 5-10 times heavier than its actual weight… which can increase strength as effectively as an exercise with a much heavier barbell.

  • Why kettlebells have been the preferred method of training in Russia for 300+ years. In fact, in 1913 a Russian magazine reported: “Not a single sport develops our muscular strength and bodies as well as kettlebell athletics.”

  • Any decent brand of kettlebells can be used for our workouts, but these are the 7 top-tier kettlebell brands that we consider EXCEPTIONAL… grab any of them without hesitation.

  • Fast-twitch Type 2 Muscle Fibers require the most energy to fire, meaning they burn calories at a high rate… here’s how to target these with a kettlebell and burn as many calories as possible.

  • How the “Kettlebell Clean” exercise will improve shoulder health by training the neglected external rotation function of the shoulders (just make sure you maintain THIS elbow position).

  • Why less is more: how to burn calories and get lean while doing WAY less work than you are capable of in an exercise session.

  • A simple and SAFE no impact 20-minute explosive workout that will make you sweat like an intense cardio session… without ever experiencing “burn” or fatigue in your muscles.

  • A movement many call the “Tzar of Kettlebell Exercises” that is hard to master, but will STRENGTHEN your body from head to toe. Hint: It’s not the kettlebell swing.

  • How to incorporate “Density Training” into your kettlebell workout and why this GREATLY increases the fat-burning potential of those workouts.


I've known both Chris and Rusty personally for a LONG time...they've definitely know what they're doing and I can tell you this program is excellent.

If you have limited equipment (for example, just one or maybe just a few kettlebells), this is EXACTLY what you need to keep making progress.

This course will help you not only strengthen your body, you'll build a more visually appealing physique (Rusty's whole focus is the "Visual Impact" idea where a major goal is simply looking better).

Discover how to use one single kettlebell to dramatically reshape your body FAST!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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