Subject: 2 Free Books! The Bone Broth Guide and the Keto Shopping Guide...

This is really cool...I've got a couple of free books for you from my friends at Kettle & Fire (they make the BEST bone broth I've ever had).

And yep, you can definitely grab both books!


The Truth You’ve Never Been Told About the Power of Bone Broth

By now you’ve probably heard about bone broth and its transformational healing power. You’ve heard about people who have straightened out stubborn digestive issues...soothed chronic joint pain...restored a radiant glow to their skin.

But if you haven’t tried bone broth yourself...I think I know why.

With so many fads out there, how do you know bone broth isn’t yet another “health thing” that nobody will even be talking about in 6 months?

And does it REALLY work?

The answer is that bone broth is the furthest possible thing from a fad. In fact, the most fascinating truths about bone broth really aren’t being discussed on most health sites. 

That’s about to change. Kettle & Fire has meticulously crafted a 57-page “Bone Broth Bible” packed with hidden truths of bone broth that will convince you to take the leap!

Download your free copy in just a few seconds here:


The Right Way to Shop on Keto

What’s the worst part about grocery shopping?

Having to THINK while you do it!

Aren’t the best shopping trips the ones where you know what you’re getting? Where you breeze up and down a few aisles and head home in 15 minutes flat? 

Trips like that become a thing of the past when you start keto.

None of the old rules apply. All your routines are irrelevant. 

Now each shopping trip feels like learning to tie your shoe again. After work. With other impatient people trying to get around you and grab stuff the whole time. 

I’ll be honest with you...a major difference between people who make keto an effortless part of their life, and the people who WANT to but never make it...

Is cracking the code on shopping.

When you have simple shortcuts and time-saving rules, it’s like entering a cheat code. Suddenly this hard “new thing” becomes a breeze.

Best part: you don’t need to spend hours and hours re-learning how to shop on keto.

You just need to go here. 

Grab the special free guide. 

And do what it says.


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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