Subject: 2 Barbell Leverage Push-Ups...awesome bodyweight chest training

And I've actually got two versions of this killer chest exercise for you to try out, too!

The first is one I came up with just a few days ago, done using two barbells and a bench.

This unique, leverage-based push-up variation puts excellent muscle-building tension on the chest. You'll be using counterbalanced loads to force the pecs to contract continuously while doing push-ups.

Check this one out here.

Constant Tension Bodyweight Chest Training...Two Barbell Bench Leverage Push-Ups Top

The other variation is done using two dumbbells as fulcrum/pivot points. It usess a bit less equipment (just two bars and two dumbbells)

You're going to be doing a push-up while attempting to keep the ends of the two bars up in the air, counterbalanced by your bodyweight, which is dynamically moving through space during this balancing.

Check out the dumbbell-based floor variation here...

Two Bar Lever Balancing Push-Ups Start

And yeah, you don't come to me for normal :)


Kettlebell Kumite - Last Chance To Get It

For the past couple of days, I've talked about a program called Kettlebell Kumite.

This is an excellent, new program from my friend and colleague, John Belkewitch.

John has put together a full kettlebell program combining kettlebells with martial arts movements and overall functional training.

You can check out his full program, Kettlebell Kumite here.

You don't get "beaten up" by this style of training but it's incredibly effective for moving and feeling better, in addition to body composition improvements (i.e. losing fat and building muscle).

His launch sale is finishing up tonight, so if check it out now and grab it if you're interested!

Discover how to use kettlebells to move better and get a phenomenal workout at the same time.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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