Subject: 12 GREAT training tips for you on the Smackdown replay...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

You're in for a treat...if you missed it last night, I've got
the full replay (which you can listen to now or download the MP3
and listen whenever you want) of the 1 hour "smackdown" interview
I did with Jeff Anderson last night.

We covered not only some info on his new Muscle Specialization
program but we went "toe to toe" on who could come up with the
best training tips for each bodypart - 12 tips in all.

I have to say, there is some REALLY good stuff in here. Some
trash-talking, too, of course :)

I totally owned him on most of these tips (though I did learn
some cool stuff myself that I'm going to test out!)

Here's a quick rundown of what we covered:


Jeff: Upper-Chest-Focused Reverse Grip Smith Machine Bench Press
Me: Cable-Dumbell Hybrid Presses


Jeff: Cross-Body Cable Rows
Me: Breathing Backwards While Doing Rows and Pulldowns To Activate Lats


Jeff: High-Foot Leg Press Partial/Full Rep Sets
Me: Toe-Raised Stiff-Legged Deadlifts to "feel" the Hamstrings
work and get a better stretch


Jeff: Neutral-Grip Dumbell Shoulder Press alternated with
Regular Grip Dumbell Shoulder Press
Me: Daily Specialization with Handstand Push-Ups


Jeff: Band Hanging Leg Raises For Lower Abs
Me: Weighted Side Planks


Jeff: Dumbell Forearm Giant Set With Towel Grip
Me: In-Set Superset For Triceps - Lying Tricep Extensions to
Close Grip Bench Press


No charge at all for this! Just click on this link and go the
page and grab it.

And here's a link to his new Muscle Specialization program, if
you're interested.


P.S. if you want the info but you maybe can't afford the printed
book, DVD, and audio CD's, no problem!

Jeff has also got a downloadable version of all the content
available, too. When you close the sales page, an alert box will
pop up...make sure and click the CANCEL button. You'll end up on
the page where you can get the stuff for about HALF the price.
You won't receive anything in the mail and it will take a bit of
time to download (lots of video), but the content is all there!