Subject: 101 "sneaky" little tricks to drop fat fast…

These are some cool, quick "hacks" that you can pop into your daily routine that will give you a kickstart for fat loss.

Because sometimes you don't want big, life-altering changes...just some simple things that you can do to get better results with not a lot of effort.


We're talking stuff like…

  • Trick #84  - The "mobile phone trick"... I'll bet you never thought of using technology like this before

  • Trick #76  - The "high-low trick"... A 2-step tactic to get rid of embarrassing chest fat for good!

  • Trick #73  - The "vacuum trick"... No, it has nothing to do with lyposuction...but it could  strip as much as 1 full inch from your waist in just 30 days!

  • Trick #58  - The "tube trick"... A funny technique for how you watch TV that can actually help you lose weight fast! (It's true!)

  • Trick #9  - The "post workout fat melting elixir"... This drink has been used for over 4,000 years, but only recently has it also been discovered to BOOST your body's ability to burn fat , especially after a workout (and no... it's not a supplement).


I love stuff like this... (naturally, a caloric deficit via diet and exercise is what drives fat loss results)

... this kind of stuff can just make it easier to get there and stay there for long term results.

You can learn more about these tricks here... very simple, very easy to do and very effective!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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