Subject: 1000 Calorie Fat Loss...for real or just a gimmick?

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So I have a feeling one question you've been asking yourself
today is whether Joel Marion and Arnel Ricafranca's "1000 Calorie
Challenge" is for real or is the whole 1000 calorie thing just a
marketing gimmick.

[here's the link to check out for yourself]

If you're on any other fitness or training newsletters, you've
probably seen this being talked about everywhere.

I have to admit, when I first heard the title of the book, I
wasn't quite sure what to think. I mean, I know these guys
personally and didn't think for a second they would put out
anything that wasn't top notch...I just wasn't sure what to make
of it all!

And then I got a copy of the book and programs and had a read through...

Now, having spent more than 20 years in the gym, I can tell just
by looking at the structure of a program whether it's going to be
good or not. I can look at a training schedule, exercises,
exercise order, rep ranges, rest periods and progressions and
determine whether it's going to be effective or not (and for how

And believe me, I've seen some real garbage programs in my time.

Joel and Arnel have put together some really quality stuff here,
though. If your goal is fat loss, this will absolutely be an
effective program for you.

The best advice I can give you is set aside the "patent pending"
names of techniques and any skepticism you might have about the
whole "1000 calorie" thing.

Fundamentally, this is a sound program based on good exercise
selection (big exercises that use a lot of muscle mass), good
progression of resistance and workload (you won't start by
burning 1000 calories in a'll work up to it), and
very effective dietary manipulation (very low calorie days, cheat
days, etc.).

One of the biggest benefits to this type of fat loss program (and
this is the same thing I do in my own Metabolic Surge program) is
that you're actually increasing workload as you go through it,
which increases your metabolism as you go through it.

This means you WON'T put back the weight once you come off it.
Your body is still pushing to recover from the training and will
actually keep on burning fat, even when you go to more "normal"
training and eating.

It's an effective program no matter if you're 20 years old or 80
years old, male or female and definitely worth picking up.



VERY IMPORTANT (TODAY ONLY) - Though this program is on sale for
$50 OFF through Thursday, there is an excellent $597 Value FAST
ACTION BONUS for Day 1 orders ONLY.

If you order today (and today only), you will be given access to
a LIVE 120-minute Fat Loss Coaching session where Joel Marion,
Arnel Ricafranca, John Romaniello (Final Phase Fat Loss), Craig
Ballantyne (Turbulence Training for Fat Loss), and Vince Del
Monte (No Nonsense Muscle Building) will ALL be on the line to
answer your personal fat loss and fitness questions.

I know all five of these guys and they know almost as much as me ;)
about fat-loss and muscle-building. This is totally worth it as a bonus.



P.S. Don't forget, I'm also throwing in a new book I'm just
finishing up putting together today called "The Best 1000 Calorie
Fat-Loss Exercises You've Never Heard Of!"

When you pick up the 1000 Calorie Challenge through the special
tracking link in this email (and that link ONLY!), I'll send you
a copy of it. I'm going to be selling it for between 30 to 50
bucks later on so it's only available right now as a bonus.

So when you purchase, just forward your receipt to me at and I'll get your download over to you the
moment I have the book completed, which will be asap!


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