Subject: 100 rep sets for muscle…a KILLER mass training strategy

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got something cool for you here today...100 rep training.

Ok, so it sounds painful and honestly, it IS kinda painful but
it can really be an excellent training technique for both muscle
building AND fat loss (I’ll tell you exactly how that works on
both later).

100 rep training (I’ve been doing this style for the past few
weeks) is pretty simple: 1 set of a hundred reps. You do just
one set of one exercise per bodypart and do a total-body workout
each time you train. Very simple but VERY challenging.

So what could possibly be useful about this technique for
muscle-building, I can hear you ask? Isn’t the resistance
you’d have to use in order to get 100 reps in a set be way too
light for building muscle?

And the answer to that is ABSOLUTELY. The main purpose of this
training is not to build muscle directly (though it does have
some potential to build your slow-twitch, Type 1
endurance-oriented fibers). The purpose of 100 rep training is
to improve what I call “microcirculation” in your muscles.

I’ll explain…

...on my site! Click here and I’ll give you the full rundown
on what makes 100 rep training GREAT for building muscle
(especially those stubborn, hard-to-build muscles) and exactly
how to do it.
