Subject: 10 of my best "weird" free weight exercises...

You definitely don't need a lot of fancy equipment to get the job done.

Even if you train in a well-equipped commercial gym, sometimes the equipment you want is being used by a bench hog who refuses to let you work in...

...or someone just mindlessly scrolling on their phone between sets...

...or (crazily enough, but it does happen!) somebody doing legitimate work with short rest periods that doesn't allow enough time for somebody to work in with them.


When that happens, you need options...

I've got videos of 10 exercises posted here, covering every major muscle group, that work just well or even BETTER than most machines at the gym...

  • (Biceps) Very Close Grip Barbell Rows
  • (Chest) Lying Side Dumbbell Flyes

  • (Abs) Dumbbell Squeeze Sit-Ups

  • (Traps) Seated Barbell Shrugs
  • (Quads) Barbell Cursing Walking Lunges
  • (Triceps) Barbell Lever Pushdowns
  • (Glutes) One-Leg Glute Deadlifts
  • (Hamstrings) Roll-Up Barbell Plate Leg Curls
  • (Shoulders) Towel-Plate Lateral Raises

  • (Calves) Double Captain Morgan Calf Raises

This is some of my favorite stuff to do...simple equipment, insanely effective.

If you're tired of waiting for equipment and want some stuff you can do where you just grab a dumbbell, a bench or a bar and get to work, you will LOVE these exercises.

Get the full rundown and videos of these exercises here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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