Subject: 10 cool exercises you can use with Lean Hybrid Muscle...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So today I wanted to give you an idea of the kind of exercises
that you'll be doing in the Lean Hybrid Muscle program I talked
about yesterday, if you decide to pick it up (grab it at the link

I've got some exercises that I think would work well substituted
in for those in the program, to keep things interesting. And, of
course, some of them are bit "unusual"... ;)


Now, if you haven't read about the program yet, I highly
recommend it. It's EXCELLENT stuff.

The focus is on developing "Type III" muscle fibers (which are
basically Type II fibers with higher mitochondrial density,
developed due to specific training protocols - in English, this
means high-power fibers that also have higher endurance
capabilities created by using "strength-endurance" type

This type of training combined with the unique dietary strategies
found in the program (such as intermittent fasting, refeeding,
etc.) can produce dramatic gains in muscle and strength while
actually dropping bodyfat.

And that increased mitochondrial density I mentioned above?
Here's what that means for you...Mitochondria are the "power
plants" of your cells. They create energy out of the nutrients
that are taken into the cells. The more of those you have, the
more fat you're going to burn, even at rest, and the more energy
you'll have available for muscle contractions (which means you'll
be able to lift more weight for more reps).

Combine the nutrition strategies with the powerful training
strategies and you've got an overall approach that can really
change your body FAST.

It's not going to be's going to require hard training
and tight eating...the results will be WELL worth it.



Hybrid Training Exercises:

1. Barbell Hang Clean & Press - This great shoulder and trap
exercise is extraordinary for building power and strength in the
shoulders and upper back. Learn the techniques that will help you
get the most from it. If you've never done cleans before, you
WILL feel this one in the morning!

2. Barbell Weighted Chin-Ups - If you're in need of extra weight
for chins, this variation will give you that in a whole new
way...instead of a dumbell or belt, you're going to use a barbell
for the extra weight. It's a chin-up that can even work your

3. Reverse Alternating Dumbell Shoulder Presses - This unique
technique for performing the dumbell shoulder press will put
great tension on your delts. It's one of my favorite
shoulder-building techniques as it keeps tension and even allows
you (with a little practice) to press with more weight than you
normally could!

4. Vertical Barbell Curls - For building the brachialis with
BIG-TIME resistance, I've found this exercise to be MUCH better
than regular hammer curls. It allows you to use more weight and
it does so in a very functional manner. Great upper arm training!

5. Power Dumbell Rows- This is a great variation of the one arm
dumbell row that builds power and density in the back. It's a
great functional-strength type of exercise that is a cross
between a dumbell row and power clean type of explosive movement.

6. One Side Loaded Barbell Squats - If you want to build GREAT
core strength, this is an ideal exercise to start with. REAL core
strength isn't built with crunches or sit-ups. For real core
strength, you need to be supporting weight in unusual positions -
this uneven squat fits the bill like a champ!

7. Hand-Over-Hand Chin-Ups - Best chin-up variation EVER...I just
love this one for hitting the back HARD. Instead of just doing
normal chins, you're going to "walking" your hands up and down
the bar as you're doing them. It's continous tension AND there's
a point on each rep where ALL the tension is on ONE lat!

8. Dumbell Rotational Sets - If you like functional, heavy core
training THIS is the one for's one of my very favorite
abdominal exercise. You'll need a rack, a heavy dumbell and some
guts to perform this one...

9. Bodyweight Triceps Extensions to Close-Grip Push-Ups - This is
a powerful bodyweight combo for building monster triceps. This
will build some serious strength in your arms and is excellent
for hypertrophy - all you need is your own bodyweight and a bar
or railing to put your hands on!

10. Low Pulley Push-Up Walk-Ins - Combine the power of a classic
bodyweight chest exercise with direct lateral resistance trying
to pull your hands out from under AND two other added elements of
resistance and you've got yourself a killer chest exercise
that'll light your pecs up!


That's the 10! That sample site where you saw all those exercises
has a bunch more good ones on there, so definitely jump around
and read more of them, if you want.

Here's the link again to read more about Lean Hybrid Muscle. This
program gets my highest recommendation. It's not often I use
another trainers program, but that's exactly what I'm going to be
doing in a couple of weeks with this one.



P.S. And don't forget...

MY BONUSES: When you pick up Lean Hybrid Muscle through one of
the tracking links in this email, I'll send you "The Best
Fat-Loss Exercises You've Never Heard Of" and "The Best Core
Strength Exercises You've Never Heard Of."

When you purchase Lean Hybrid Muscle, just forward your receipt
to and we'll hit you back with the download
link for those two books. And remember, this offer is ONLY
available when you grab it through one of the links in this


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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