Subject: 10 Grocery Tips to Build Muscle on a Budget and How to Survive a Riot...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Yeah, because those two things go together... ;)

Anyway, the riot thing is one I wanted to mention because I think
it's a topic that is actually pretty important, even if most
people don't really think about it on a daily basis.

Here's what got me thinking...

I was the Arnold Fitness Expo this past weekend and there were
literally THOUSANDS of people jammed into the convention center
booth area, all trying to get their supplement samples, t-shirts
and celebrity photo-ops, etc.

It was all fairly orderly...people were waiting in line to get
their sample EAS and MuscleTech stuff and people were moving
fairly easily through the crowds. But here in this building,
there were thousands of people packed in like sardines...most of
them drinking muliple pre-workout energy drink samples all day :)
...what if a REAL emergency happened.

Like what if somebody pulled a fire alarm and people began to
panic and a riot started. And there were some BIG, strong people
there, let me tell you...this wasn't a knitting convention.

If everything suddenly went nuts, THAT is when you need to know
how to get yourself out of this kind of situation and FAST.

Now this might be an example of a situation you might never find
yourself but think of it this way...knowing how to deal with
crazy situations and get out safely doesn't make YOU a crazy
person yourself. It just means you're prepared. Nothing wrong
with that.

And that's where my buddy Jeff Anderson comes in. You might know
him as the "Muscle Nerd" but he's also a long-time military
guy...close quarters combat, survival, etc. He knows his stuff.
And he's put together a book covering situations exactly like I
described above (and a whole lot more).

He explains it all on this page, so I'm not going to go on and on
here. If you're interested in learning how to survive in crazy
situations where social order is broken, this is a book you'll
definitely want to read:



10 Practical Grocery Tips for How to Build Muscle on a Budget...

1. This first one isn't a nutrition need to absolutely
get your training in order. Even with a quality diet, if your
training isn't targeted to the goal you want to achieve, you're
not going to get the results you want. In my experience it is
true that you can't out-train a BAD diet but you CAN out-train a
decent diet, IF your training is good. This means you shouldn't
think you'll never get the results you want just because you
can't buy the expensive foods you want...a reasonably good diet
is fine if your training is effective.

2. Get a membership at a bulk'll find cheaper prices
at stores like Sam's Club and Cosco. You'll also be pleased to
find a lot of organic options available at these stores. For
these stores, it's marketing - people want this kind of thing so
they're selling it. Wal-Mart and Target are jumping on this
bandwagon, too, and can have some good options on quality food.

3. Buy frozen whole turkeys and learn how to cook them. For about
20 bucks you can get at least 10 lbs of quality meat out of one
turkey. The reason they're cheaper is that you have to do a lot
of the work yourself, obviously, but it's worth it. Whole
chickens can be good like this, too (not the rotisserie
pre-cooked ones, though - you'll pay for the convenience on

4. Frozen veggies can be used in place of fresh ones. Fresh is
sometimes not as good in terms of vitamin content and frozen
veggie bags often give you better variety because they mix it all
up for you.

5. Olive oil is a healthy fat and relatively cheap. Use it generously.

6. Don't buy boxed cereal. If you want to eat cereal, get a big
container of oatmeal instead. For the price of one box of cereal,
which lasts you maybe a few days (less if you eat it for dinner,
too), you'll get enough oatmeal to last a few weeks.

7. Look for sales on meat and produce that's getting close to
it's expiration date. In the words of Homer Simpson..."Woohoo!
Cheap meat!" Obviously, you'll need to use it or freeze it right
away, but you can find some great deals when you're willing to
get things near the dates - stores have to sell them or toss them
away the next day so the price comes down. Don't be unsafe with
food, of course, but don't be shy about buying close to the date.

8. Sweet potatoes and regular potatoes are very good. Sweet
potatoes are low-glycemic and have a great nutrient profile.
Regular potatoes are higher-glycemic, which I find very useful
for post-workout meals. With regular potatoes, go with red
potatoes...they can't be stored as long as other varieties so
you'll get relatively fresher potatoes.

9. Invest in a lot of good Tupperware. You can cook in larger
quantities, which is more cost-efficient (and time-efficient!).
Plus, burping that tupperware will give you something to do if
you find youself bored on the weekend.

10. When buying eggs, use the yolk. It's where all the nutrients
(and calories!) are. If you have a genetic cholesterol thing
going on, that's one thing. If you don't, then eat the yolk. And
take the words "free-range" with a grain of salt. By law, a
chicken can be described as free-range if the barn door is opened
for a few minutes each day (and yeah, I'm not even making that up
- it's real). They don't have to leave the barn...just opening
the door is apparently free enough. The point of this is buy the
best level of quality egg that you can afford at the store -
organic is best, but don't be fooled by just seeing free-range.
If you can buy direct from a farmer, though, do that.


Those are my 10 tips! Hope they help you get more out of your
grocery budget! I use every single one of these myself every

Now it's YOUR turn to post your own the bottom of this
page, I've got a comments section where you can post your tips
and your comments about the ones I've put up here.



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