Subject: #1 worst exercise for men over 50 (KILLS testosterone)

WARNING for men over 50…

The conventional advice to do “3 sets of 8 to 12 reps” might be killing your manhood…

You see, most workouts are built for guys half your age or younger.

The problem is, these workouts age you faster…

They damage your joints and increase the risk of injury…

And – worst of all – they WRECK your testosterone…

That’s because workouts for young people stress the body a lot…

Stress releases cortisol… cortisol causes the body to store fat… then the fat itself releases a chemical called aromatase, which transforms testosterone into estrogen!

Even worse, estrogen causes the body to store even more fat - especially around the belly, hips and chest.

It’s a vicious circle...

But you can break it if you change your workout method to one designed specifically for men over 50.

It doesn’t release cortisol because it's a super short workout that’s gentle to your body.

In fact, studies show it increases testosterone levels in men over 50 – the hormone which helps you build muscle, burn fat and boost libido.

Even better, this method doesn’t require a gym membership. 

You can workout from the comfort of  your own home… while watching T.V.

>> Discover how to skyrocket testosterone levels, strip away years of stubborn body fat and feel 20 years younger

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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