Subject: #1 problem with Low-Carb Diets (and the easy way to avoid it)

Low-carb diets work...I use them extensively in my own fat-loss programs!

They can...

- Reduce body fat more than calorie-restricted low-fat diets
- Lower blood pressure dramatically
- Lower blood sugar and improve symptoms of diabetes much more than low-fat diets
- Increase your good cholesterol (HDL)
- Lower triglycerides significantly more than low-fat diets

However, they DO have a BIG problem...and it's the reason you should NEVER keep to a low-carb diet for more than 5 to 7 days at a time.

And that problem is your body's metabolic REACTION to eating low-carb for an extended period of time.

It can lead to a downward spiral of metabolic problems including:

- Suppressed thyroid output (inefficient conversion of T4 to T3)
- Decreased testosterone production (women need this to burn fat, too!)
- Compromised immune system function
- Slower metabolism and adrenal fatigue
- Muscle loss
- Slower fat burning and weight loss plateaus
- Leptin resistance (50% LESS fat burning hormone production)

Obviously, these things are NOT good. Therefore, you have to be careful to use low-carb diets in “smartest” way possible...i.e. with strategic cycling of carbs (for example, 5 days low-carb, 2 days high carb).

By increasing carb intake after an aggressive burst of lowering carbs for a few days, you can literally REVERSE every negative side effect from above while still losing fat.

For example, increasing your carbs strategically can give you:

- More efficient thyroid output (increased conversion of T4 to T3)
- Increased testosterone production
- Improved immune system function
- Elevated metabolism and healthier adrenal glands
- Gains in lean muscle
- Faster fat burning
- Better leptin sensitivity (increased levels of fat burning hormones)

It allows you to indulge in your most intense cravings for carbs and purposefully abandon your low carb diet to offset the adaptations of short term extreme dieting and exercise methods.

Essentially, you keep your body guessing and you FEED it when it needs to be FED, preventing those negatives issues that are possible with extended low-carb eating.

See exactly how to put this powerful combination to work on YOUR body today:

==> Experience Your Fastest Fat Loss Week EVER

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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