Subject: #1 Nutrient timing trick for FAST fat loss...

WHEN you eat can be just as important as WHAT you eat and HOW MUCH you eat, when it comes to losing fat.

And while it IS true that at the most basic level, all you really need is a caloric deficit in order to lose fat, there is actually more to it than that if you want to do it more easily.

It comes down to your hormones and how nutrient timing affects your hormones.

For example, I've talked many times in the past about how insulin affects Growth Hormone levels in your body. When you eat sugary or carb-containing foods, your insulin levels naturally go up.

During this time, your body is in storage mode and fat burning is not fully turned off but is blunted.

And that means slower fat-loss results.

The #1 trick I've been using for years is this...

Don't eat carbs for breakfast. I honestly can't even remember the last time I ate any serious amount of carbs before noon.

It allows me to stay lean and take full advantage of the steady energy levels that a fat-burning metabolism provides me.


That's the simple trick but there's a LOT more to it than that.

If you want a much more in-depth explanation of how that simple trick works, I want to recommend to you an excellent program from my friend and collegaue, Marwan Killu.

The program is called "The Fat Loss Blueprint" and it's PACKED with excellent information on how to get lean FAST, while maintaining optimal hormone levels.

You'll learn a lot more about WHY not eating carbs early in the day is important...even critical...for your fat loss-success and how to structure your day to take full advantage of nutrient timing.

I was so impressed with the excellent, straightforward, no-nonsense approach that Marwan took with his program, that I actually asked him to write a series of fat-loss articles for my website.

(He said "absolutely" and I'll be posting those starting tomorrow).

You can learn more about the Fat Loss Blueprint and how it can help you burn stubborn fat and take control of your physique here.

On that page, you'll learn how Marwan took himself from an overfat, stressed-out dad, and got himself RIPPED.

I was really impressed with his transformation and, in reading his program, I can see exactly HOW he got the job done. This approach uses a lot of the same methods I've been using myself for years.

If you want Marwan's blueprint for burning fat while still having a life (and enjoy life!), click here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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