Subject: 1 Dumbbell 3 Exercise MetCon Countdown workout...

This is one of the best time-efficient, equipment-efficient metabolic conditioning workouts you can do.

All you need is one dumbbell and a small patch of floor'll hit every major muscle group in your body (including core) with a variety of rep ranges and you'll be done in less than 20 minutes.

You're going to rotate between three exercises...a One-Arm Dumbbell Floor Press, a One-Arm Dumbbell Row and a One Dumbbell Reverse Lunge. Between these three exercises, you cover just about everything. I've shown a version of this with the same exercises done as 3-rep sets done for a set period of time.

With THIS one, in terms of execution, it's going to be done non-stop countdown style...meaning you'll start with 10 reps through each exercise (10 reps on each arm on the press and the row) then 10 reps on each leg on the reverse lunge.

Then, with NO rest at all...and I mean ZERO're going to do 9 reps per exercise. Then 8 reps, then 7, then 6, etc. You'll continue this countdown all the way down to doing one rep of each exercise (on each side).

This is known as "front loading" the workload...meaning you do more volume at the start of the workout, when you're stronger, then taper it down as you fatigue. In this case, we're doing it by decreasing reps.

** One key're not allowed to set the dumbbell down on the floor at all during the entire workout. This is going to further challenge you as you'll be under load in some way the entire time.

Once you finish the single rep sets, you can end the workout or, as I did, keep going on singles, moving as fast as you can between exercises until you completely burn out. By that time, you'll have the transitioning pattern down and you'll be able to move pretty smoothly between's a brutally effective way to finish out.

Use a weight you could get about 20 reps or so with on the floor press, since it's the weakest exercise. I used a 75 lb dumbbell in the demo but likely I could have gone to an 85.


Here's what it looks like:

Start with the floor press on your left arm (left leg bent, right leg straight).

Press up.

Do 10 reps (first round through), then rest the weight on your chest and switch hands.

Do 10 reps on the right arm.

Set the dumbbell on end on your inner thigh as you sit up.

Step around, swtiching hands on the dumbbell while still keeping off the ground, then get into position for the row.

Now row. You can do these with your other arm braced on your other knee or completely free of support.

Switch hands and do another 10 reps.

Switch the dumbbell back to your left hand.

Do a Reverse Lunge. With this exercise, you can do it two different can hold the dumbbell in your left hand and keep your right leg forward (which keeps the dumbbell inside your leg).

Or you can hold hold the dumbbell in your left hand and keep your LEFT leg forward, which keeps the dumbbell OUTSIDE your leg. In the demo video, I alternated between these two options - you can do that or just pick one and stick with it.

When you've done 10 reps, lie back down and start the cycle again with 9 rep sets.

One important thing to note here is that you always want to be alternating which arm you're using on the exercises. If you start with your left arm, you will ALWAYS start with your left arm on every exercise (even the lunge). This will help preserve your grip strength as you go through the workout.

Once you've counted all the way down to 1 rep, you're done.

Overall, this is a fantastic way to get some great metabolic conditioning in while covering every major muscle group, with very little equipment, in a very small space and in a very short period of time.

It's the perfect "time-efficient" fat-loss workout.

You can watch the full video on this workout here.

Or start from the workout demo here (I sped it up quite a bit so it's done in 2 1/2 minutes of viewing time).


Want More Killer Workouts Like This?


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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