Subject: Something Very Special From One Of My Business Partners

Something Very Special From One Of My Business Partners

September 12th, 2018 at 3:59 pm EDT

Hi Friend Do you struggle with creating engagement for your social videos? Do you struggle to get them noticed? Your videos get lost in a sea of information? Did you know Youtube has over one billion users, that's a third of all internet users. Over ...

I have a special free gift for you today

September 10th, 2018 at 8:31 pm EDT

Hello ~FIRSTNAME~ Did you see the awesome gift I gave yesterday? No upsells, no strings attached. Just a free gift. CLAIM YOUR EASY SKETCH PRO GIFT NOW It s the #1 doodle software in the world. And get this You get the Business Pro Edition, w ...

Friend, Claim Your Own Mobile APP Builder For FREE

September 6th, 2018 at 2:53 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Hope this email finds you doing fantastic, I wanted to reach out to you today because I am giving away free access to a mobile app creator software. Not sure if you will be interested but incase you are, simply click the link below ...

Brand New 4 in 1 Email App Can Increase Click Through Rates By up To 300%

September 4th, 2018 at 10:11 pm EDT

Friend Are You Tired Of Low Click Rates With Your Email? How Would You Like To Get 30% Clicks Rates? Open rates are falling week after week for most marketers who are sticking to the same old boring emails. Most click rates are falling below the 3 ...

Friend, Here is a free Email Marketing software just for looking at Email Domination

August 23rd, 2018 at 5:18 pm EDT

Hello There Friend, I will be brief, i noticed you had a look at Email Domination Membership. I would love to know your thoughts on it. Feel free to respond any time. Since you have shown an interest in knowing more about email marketing and list ...

Friend, This Email Domination Member site is Amazing

August 23rd, 2018 at 6:02 am EDT

Do you struggle to get fresh subscribers and even when you do get people to join your list is it hard to get them to open your emails and click? Are you struggling to build and engage with your email list? ...

Quick Question Friend, Would you like your own done for you software biz?

August 15th, 2018 at 6:27 pm EDT

Hello Friend Do you want to start your own online profitable software business today? work from home on the hours you chose to suit you? Little or no capital needed... Follow our simple steps and get up and running Free info and report gives you all ...

Friend, Would you please take a 1 minute survey to help me better understand your needs

August 8th, 2018 at 12:45 am EDT

How Can I Better Assist You?Please chose the answer below that best fits.Email MarketingSoftware As A ServiceAffiliate MarketingVideo MarketingCreate Your Own AgencyNone Of These

Here is my Bonus page For the all new EmailEngage Friend

August 7th, 2018 at 4:14 pm EDT

Hello Friend (Important Message: I have removed the video at the top of the page so scroll down just a short ways to see all the amazing bonuses that i have for you today.) I’ve been looking at my email marketing business lately and I’ve been ...

EmailEngage 4 in 1 App Goes Live!

August 7th, 2018 at 11:00 am EDT

Hello Friend Hope your doing great! Check this out will ya? EmailEngage is officially Live. The Ultimate 4 in 1 Email Marketing App has hit the market. When it comes to increasing the sales and conversions of your b ...