Subject: Friend i was wrong about my last email, this is the best one. Here is 200 dollars Free!


I was wrong, this is the best so far. Today i am going to give you $200

absolutely free. This is short notice as the offer ends September 5th,

but those of you who open this email will have plenty of time to

claim there 200 bones. To claim your money all you have to do

is open a free account, and send an email to support with a selfie

and short bio. Your account will be credited with in 24 hours. I get

nothing for this as this is not an affiliate link i am giving you. Take this

gift and put it to use. All i ask for is that you take this free money

and maybe a thanks, Hope your labor day weekend was great.

Thought this would be a good way to close it out.

Yours Kindly,
Michael B.

P.S. if you have any questions, shoot me an email at