Subject: Friend, This Youtube change may or may not affect you. But if it does, here is how to fix it.

Here is a quick gist of YouTube Sept 25th changes


There is a lot to that YouTube Sept 25th change, so I decided to give you a quick gist of it, as far as it concerns marketers, entrepreneurs and business who use embed YouTube for sales videos.

Generally the Sept 25th change comes down to YouTube depreciating embed code functionality so you no longer can disable things you do not want. Plus they add a new avatar distraction.

Change #1 

Starting Sept 25th, before a video starts playback, YouTube title and avatar will be forced to be displayed so you cannot disable that. Before you were able to disable the title. The avatar is a new thing they are adding on Sept 25th.

Why it is bad for sales videos?

Combined with the fact that Chrome and Safari no longer autoplay YouTube video with audio, it means that you can not longer control the initial appearance of the video before playback.

Initial mindset and perception are critical factors for sales, and without 100% control of what the viewer sees first, you can lose sales conversion and/or have higher video abandonment rate.

How does ExplaindioPlayer fix that?

ExplaindioPlayer enables you to autoplay YouTube videos so that initial screen before playback does not appear.

BTW ExplaindioPlayer autoplay is not limited to YouTube videos only. It can autoplay videos from Vimeo, Facebook (yep), Amazon S3, and any mp4 video you host yourself.

You can discover more about ExplaindioPlayer here:

See the bonus page here - CLICK HERE

explaindio player

Change #2 

Starting September 25th, the Related Videos Gallery will appear While The Video Is On Pause or It Finished Playing.

Right now you can disable that but from Sept 25th you will not be able to do it.

Why it is bad for sales and lead generation videos?

After Sept 25th, the viewer will be just 1 click away from leaving your sales of lead pages to watch another youtube video, which means that you are 1 click away from losing a sale or a lead both when the viewer pauses the video and when your sales video ends.

How does ExplaindioPlayer fix that?

The ExplaindioPlayer fixes that problem by allowing you to automatically place an image or animated GIF on top of the video while the video is paused and after it finishes playing.

That way Related Videos Gallery if savely hidden below cover effectively “killing” the 1-click sales killer :)

Also during the launch period you are guaranteed really cool and needed Fast Action Bonus:

100 Animated “Play Me” Call To Action video overlays to cover non-autoplayed videos before playback and “Related Videos” while on pause and after the video finishes playing.

Starting Sept 25th, those Animated Overlays can cover both Youtube Avatar & Title Before Playback AND Related Videos Gallery while the video is on pause or it finished playing.

You can discover more about ExplaindioPlayer here:

See the bonus page here - CLICK HERE

Yours Kindly,

Michael Bell

Bell Marketing Solutions