Subject: Friend Guaranteed to boost your efforts. Super high response rate.

Friend Guaranteed to boost your efforts. Super high response rate.

December 30th, 2013 at 1:20 pm EDT

Hi Friend Let's face it... The internet is full of junk em@ils. As a result we send a lot of legitimate mess@ges that just end up being deleted as S.P.A.M. No wonder we get little or no RESPONSE. *************************************** One compa ...

Friend FREE Affiliate Landing Page Templates Are Almost Gone

December 30th, 2013 at 12:02 pm EDT

Friend Hi , Did you get a chance to see the free templates membership? Here's the link; Every month you get a *Killer* landing page to help you promote high converting ClickBank products to help you earn co ...

What's all the buzz about?

December 18th, 2013 at 1:15 pm EDT

Hello Friend, People are going wild over this new company Jim Britt and Jim Lutes are launching in the personal development field. You may not know Jim Jim but I do. They are two of the top personal development and entrepreneurial trainers ...

Your Own Money Making Mobile Website ($3,000 Value)

November 20th, 2013 at 3:30 am EDT

Hey Friend How would you like to make your first commission today! Trust me, I know what it's like to struggle online and not be able to make your first sale I struggled for over 7 months until I made my first commission. BUT... Things just got ...

Friend *Open If You Use Youtube!☛ ☛ ☛

November 20th, 2013 at 2:45 am EDT

Friend, If you, or any of your friends or family use YouTube, you need to see this! Click Here To See This Shocking Video! This software, just released, uses OTHER peoples efforts to make money from You ...

Have You Looked At This Yet?

November 15th, 2013 at 4:36 am EDT

Friend Hey Michael here, i just wanted to know if you have seen this yet? This is new and its on fire, there is no bs, no strings, no gimmics. Just a real money making opportunity. Check it out here Hope t ...

Friend Are you ready for a big income boost?

November 8th, 2013 at 3:38 am EDT

Hello! I may never have to work again - I may never have to advertise again. Why? Because I am generating more income than 99% of the people on the internet and I`ve only owned my You Get Paid Fast Business For One Week! SEE THE NEW VIDEO - YOU B ...

Friend,Does'nt cost any thing to just have a look

November 7th, 2013 at 3:00 am EDT

Hello Friend, I hope you're sitting down because this will BLOW YOUR MIND! * Make Money From Home * Enjoy Instant 100% Commission * Powerful Tools * It's FREE! Visit Let me know what you think! Cordially, Michael ...

Friend You can't afford to not see this

November 7th, 2013 at 2:00 am EDT

Hello, I am NOT going to TRY to sell YOU. I will however give you the KEY to the most success you have ever dreamed of, hoped for or prayed about. - Top 25,000 websites in the World - One time entry, no montly fees ever - More people making mone ...

Friend You can't afford to not see this

November 6th, 2013 at 6:06 pm EDT

Hello, I am NOT going to TRY to sell YOU. I will however give you the KEY to the most success you have ever dreamed of, hoped for or prayed about. - Top 25,000 websites in the World - One time entry, no montly fees ever - More people making mone ...