Subject: Time Is Of The Essence!

Hello Friend,

I have heard people say that the main reason that
they want to work at home is because they can
work only when they want to work. It IS true that
you can set your own work hours when you work at
home but it does NOT mean that you don’t have to
have set work hours.

A ‘hit or miss’ work schedule…or rather, the lack
of any work schedule at all, simply will not
work. Time is of the Essence! YOUR time!

Working at home can be a very, very good thing.
You can be at home to see the kids off to school
and be at home when they get home. You can put a
load of laundry in and it can run through the
cycles while you are working.

You can have dinner cooked before a hungry family
descends like a flock of hungry buzzards. All of
those things are real great perks that you
automatically get when you are working at home.

Working at home can also be a very, very bad
thing if you do not plan your time well and if
you do not set up a work schedule that you and
your family can live with. When you work at home,
time really is of the essence.

You must make very good use of the time that you
are spending working. If you are not efficient in
accomplishing the tasks that must be done, you
will either spend too much time working or you
will fail miserably at your work at home job or
at business.

You must set up a work schedule for yourself when
you work at home and then you must enforce that
work schedule for yourself and insist that you
family and friends also adhere to your work

To find out more how to run your own home business
and work your own hours without a boss, check out
this amazing offer below!

To your success,
Michael B.