Subject: This might be the last chance you get to snag this..

Hello Friend

I want to share with you the #1 most important lesson in ALL of business.


Here it goes:

Success = Preparation + Opportunity.

In other words...

Success happens when you are in the right place, at the right time, in
the right mindset.

Let me give you a really quick example of the importance of this concept:

2 years ago a little plugin called InstaBuilder [INSERT LINK] was launched.

It sold 6000+ copies in just 7 days.

Crazy right?

But here's the even CRAZIER part...

It completely revolutionized the way that people started building sales

People who were making exactly $0/month were now beginning to see
REAL profit from their business...


Because they were at the right place, at the right time, in the right mindset.

And everybody who ignored the plugin... well, they just kept on making
that $0/month...

Now, the reason that I am teaching you this today is because InstaBuilder
is opening its doors again!

After two years of development, tweaking, and testing with their 6000+
customer base, the owners of InstaBuilder have decided to "go public"...

For the first time EVER you can get access to the NEW AND IMPROVED
version of the plugin that completely transformed the sales funnel
creation industry...

Check It Out Here >>>

Now, here is your chance to be in the right place, at the right time, in the
right mindset.

To your success,

Michael B.