Subject: Polar opposite of everything you’ve tried before Friend


What do two failing bicycle shop owners know about airplanes?

Probably nothing.

Yet, Orville and Wilbur Wright (the Wright Brothers)
invented the world’s first airplane.

And they did it going against every bit of common sense at the time.

You see…

In the early 20th century, everyone was concerned with engines.

If you want it to fly – strap a huge engine on that thang!

But the Wright Brothers did the complete opposite.

They built an airplane, which was so light,
it could get up in the air and stay there without a ton of oomph.

As a result, they became the icons of the airplane industry.

These nuts changed the world by doing the opposite
of everything everyone was saying they should do.

When I first heard this story, I was miserably failing online.

I followed every conventional approach and it didn’t work for me.

The Wright Brothers inspired me to try something different.

Most systems I’ve tried focused on Social Media,
ecommerce and Search Engine Optimization.

Since nothing worked, I tried the polar opposite.

Here’s what happened next:

Not only I cut down my work hours down to just 90 minutes per day.

But I also created leveraged income,
which builds up every month with me having to do the work only once.

Try it for yourself (risk-free)

Michael Bell