Subject: My Brief Rant


Listen up....

There is NO glory in being or remaining broke.

You can't help others much less yourself if you're
too consumed with how to make Septembers rent.


There is NO shame in becoming or remaining rich.

You should WANT to be rich.

Down right filthy rich where your hands reek of the
scent of $100 bills because you're handling too much

Ok, maybe that was an exaggeration.

But you get the idea.

More money is better than less or no money.

Most of us inside of Direct Pay System want to
improve our way of life, ie., have a lifestyle most
would envy.

Nicer home, newer car, money in the bank,
real estate, stocks, multiple vacations, etc....

You can't achieve any of that without MONEY.

Like it or not, but money makes the wheels of
the world turn a lot easier, faster, with less friction.

So get out there and collect your fair share of the pie.

It's literally sitting within arms reach of you via your
cell phone, computer, printer, pencil and paper.

By staking claim to your share of the pie, which I
believe, you have a duty to collect, you can impact
more people, give more, share more, be more, have

It all starts and ends with you NOT settling for
table scraps no longer.

You deserve the whole table and all the fixings.

Say it.

Make it happen.

You will not be denied.

No one will keep you under his or her thumb no more.

You can and will rise to achieve all that you see
at night, when your head hits the pillow.

It's closer than you think.

To a better future,