Subject: Join For Free, This Is Going Viral Fast

Hello Friend

Hope Deferred Makes the heart Sad,
while Desire fulfilled is the tree of life.

Neville Goddard

Friends, what's worse than joining a biz op and failing after spending so
 much money to join and to market?

It's hard to imagine...

...That there's something worse than failing when enthusiastically
joining, say, an MLM, and having your hope deferred by not
accomplishing what you had hoped would happen when you initially joined.

Yes, hope deferred makes the heart sad...

And there is something worse... And it's also the ONE root cause
of FAILURE when it comes to succeeding in a biz op, or MLM.

But, first, here's what's really appalling.

The fact that MOST marketers are truly doing everything they can
to succeed as suggested by their sponsor... without the slightest
idea how much it's hurting them.

They're just in a dizzy unbelief state sadly wondering what's up, when...

* They can't get a single conversion
* Nobody is joining them after spending money on marketing
* They witness others who work far less than they are succeed
*They are down to their last dollar that was designated for marketing

Yes, Hope deferred makes the heart sad.

But be of Good Cheer there is good news!

Uncovering and healing the CAUSE of all this State of Failure...
 can also REVERSE all your failure and catapult you toward PREDICTABLE SUCCESS!

It's what I've been doing in my 15 years as a top internet marketer
never earning less than $500k a year (well this year I went through a
 little personal drama but still made $367k to date)...

It's what I teach.

It's what I've been doing for the past 15 years...treating hundreds of
the 'walking wounded', who've been trying to succeed only to
 have their HOPE deferred.

And I'm talking about the really serious issues that make
MOST marketers in our niche give up hope, like...

* Sponsor's won't return your calls or emails
* Sponsor goes into the witness protection program
* Sponsor who happens to be a Newbie, too, doesn't know how to guide you in the right direction.
* Sponsor ignorantly believes he is helping you by pointing you in some silly direction for marketing.

WARNING: What I'm telling you here is NOT what you'll hear from
 99% of so called leaders, sponsors and gurus.

That's because most won't spend the time or money my partner and
 I have spent to use the power of leverage to help our team members
and those in Big Home Business, no matter what biz op they are promoting.

...PLUS the fact that quite a few are trying to make as much money as
possible while working as little as possible.

Yeah, they preach the 'World's Beaches' and Lap top millionaire lifestyle...

Yeah, it makes for good 'preaching' as my preacher dad used to say,
 but leaves a trail of broken down, wounded "hope deferred' marketers behind them.

The easiest way to succeed is to plug into a UNIFIED DUPLICATABLE SYSTEM.

No easier way.

Listen, it's not about friggen Youtube videos, or traffic via solo ads or
whatever... and it's definitely NOT about BRANDING.

Some of ya'll are too damn old to worry about branding.

Christ, you need money today, this week, NOW!

You ain't got time for ANY LEARNING CURVE!

Desired Fulfilled is the Tree of Life!

Let's plant that wonderful money making Tree of Life!

Click Here To Get Started Now Absolutely Free

My Cell: 443 758 3634

I got YOU!



Michelangelo Lopez & Michael Bell

PS: If Big Home Business converts for us it will convert for you.