Subject: JV Invite to Build a List of Thousands


I have an exciting announcement for you. I want to help
you increase the size of your email list by joining me in
The Guru Gifts Giveaway Event for free!


There is no catch and you can join as a free contributor.

All you need to do is have a giveaway product and a
squeeze page. There is already 100's of people ready
to contribute and to help make this the biggest event
this year! So we can all work together to build up our
email lists.

[name] Sign up for free here now and grow your list!


I have been using giveaways for quite sometime to
build up my own email list. So jump on this opportunity
to build your list before you forget. You have nothing
to lose at all!

Have a fantastic day,
Michael Bell

P.S. Smart marketers are getting in NOW so they
can take advantage of the really big COMMISSIONS
available on their upgrading referrals, plus the
added sales from their special offers!

P.P.S. If their is only one event you use this year,
you've found it! Don't be left behind.

Sign up now!
