Subject: If you missed it earlier, here it is again (completely free)


Just wanted to shoot you a quick email about a seriously
cool free service from a group calling themselves ...

The Click Cartel

If you promote ANYTHING related to "IM" or making money
online, it's the biggest no-brainer I've seen in years!

- It cloaks & tracks all your links, traffic & conversions

- It lets you setup and conduct split tests in seconds

- It does some real "ninja" geotargeting stuff to help
maximize the value of ALL your traffic

- It provides insights into your traffic "quality" &
helps combat clickfraud and "scammy" traffic sellers

Basically it does everything a $20-50 a month tracking
service does, PLUS more - AND it's all 100% freee.

BUT that's not even the best part because ...

Just by using this killer service you'll also get


In fact, the average person gets 62% more traffic, for
freee, just by being a member of the Click Cartel.

I know it might sound too good to be true, so check
it out for yourself and let me know what you think ...

Hope You Enjoy,
Michael B.