Subject: How to go broke doing it yourself


Can you finish this old saying?

“If you want something done right, …”

The first one to utter this saying was a French dude Charles-Guillaume Etienne.

Do you know who he was?

Me either.

And that’s my point.

Never take advice from someone who hasn’t achieved anything
significant with their life.

Also, don’t believe clichés.

Tendency is not destiny.

“If you want something done right, do it yourself”
is one of the worst pieces of advice to ever become a cliché.

First, unless you’re an expert at the “something”,
how can you be sure you’ll do it “right”?

Second, there’s always someone out there
who can do it better and faster than you.

Now consider how much you have to do to make six figures online:

Create a product
Buy advertising
Write advertising creative
Design product cover
Manage hosting
Upload files
Manage social media
Customer service

Could you do it all on your own?

You might’ve.

But should you?

No, not really.

You could strap yourself to a proven system instead and not worry
about any of that stuff.

Michael Bell