Subject: Home Business Quick Start Part 2 - Working Part Time with A Full Time Mentality

Hello Friend

One of the biggest reasons why people fail at

Internet marketing (or fail to break out of their

rat race) is because of a flawed mindset towards

Internet marketing. Yes, it is true that you have

to spend the remainder of the hours you have left

after work to work on your business part time.

But that does NOT mean that you will adopt a part

time or half-hearted mentality towards your

business. That is by far the most incorrect thing

you can do. You would need to give it the same

kind of dedication and perseverance as you would

give your full time job. Remember that anything

you give more than just your best is bound for

success. Imagine this analogy for a second here…

Let’s assume that an airplane takes off at

150MPH. You will need to ‘drive’ at a certain

speed before the plane develops enough speed to

take off. Do you think the plane will be able to

fly itself off the ground if you are only

traveling at a 100MPH? Of course not! It will not

take off even if you are flying at 140MPH!

Internet marketing is just like this. You will

need to work at a certain momentum before you:

• Develop the necessary knowledge to build your
business (you can’t really ‘drive’ far if you are
constantly locked in 2nd gear).

• You need to show others that you are committed
enough before they are ready to do a joint
venture with you (after all, no one wants to JV
with a half-hearted marketer – especially if they
know that you are not constantly available).

• You need to build your reputation strong
enough because it will lessen your promotion work
– the speed of trust between you and your
customers is very crucial.

If you're interested in finally getting your own
Internet Marketing Business off the ground, check
out this amazing offer here:

To your success,
Michael Bell