Subject: Home Business Quick Start - Lesson 3

Hi Friend

Todays lesson is on:
The Art of Building Assets Online

When you are building your business online, you
must be able to build assets if you want to quit
your job. Allow me to explain: A 9-5 job is only
short term income. It can be a lot or a little,
but fundamentally it is still short term… Why?
Because the moment you stop working, you stop
making money immediately! Your boss may tolerate
your laziness for a few days but if you don’t put
in the hours, you will never get anymore pay
whether it is weekly, daily or monthly pay! If
you keep on trading time for money, you will
never be free from your job! Online assets are
different. Here are a few principles that you can
apply to your online mentality:

• Leveraging on the Internet: You can draw in
traffic from search engines or viral marketing.

• Leveraging on other Internet marketers. You do
not need to build a mailing list if you have
created a fantastic product that will keep
customers buying and affiliates selling over and
over again.

• Leveraging on your mailing list. The money is
definitely in the list. It takes 15-30 minutes to
write a proper E-mail to your mailing list. The
great thing about E-mail marketing is you will
take the same time to mail your list regardless
if your list has 100 people or 100,000 people

• Leveraging on your reputation online: A
blogger may start with no RSS subscribers, but
the more you blog and the more you network, you
will be blogging for the same effort but with
more people reading your blog (and you will be
able to monetize from the traffic!)

• Leveraging on outsourced work. If you are
making good money, you will be able to outsource
your work to other people and spend more time on
marketing your products (hence, making more

If you're interested in finally getting your own
Internet Marketing Business off the ground, check
out this amazing offer here:

To your success,
Michael Bell