Subject: Hello Friend, How are you today?


Hey my friend,

How are you?

I hope you are having a great day!

Ok, so random question, I just started my own online business, that is
basically like an Amazon dot com for entrepreneurs, and part of my
getting started training is to give three people my affiliate link everyday,
so I can get their feedback on my new business.

Here is my affiliate link,

You should be able to click that link above, or copy and paste it into
your browser to check it out.

Oh and an “affiliate link” is just my very own business website that was
setup for me, right after I started my new business.

I am super excited about my new business because I just found out that
hundreds of thousands of people are making a great part time, and
even full time income, selling products and services online that people
are already buying on Amazon right now!

So with this new business, all we do is become the middleman/woman
in this new online shopping experience with our great products and
services, and then we make the money instead of Amazon making
all of the money.

Did you know that Amazon is now worth 500 billion dollars?

Amazon is going to become the first trillion dollar company in the world,
and the wild part is, the entire company is all online.

All I know is, when I started thinking about the internet more and more,
I started to realize that all of these online companies like Amazon are
pretty much taking over the world, so I really started to pay attention to
what was happening right at my fingertips on my phone and my

They say that within the next 5 years, we won’t even be going to the
store anymore for groceries, we’ll just be ordering everything online,
and even more than that, our refrigerators and pantries, will
automatically order the food and drinks we need, and then
automatically deliver it to our door without us even thinking about it.

Over the past few years, I have just realized the internet is truly taking
over our lives.

I know so many people who have lost jobs to the internet now, because
normal jobs just don’t need employees anymore, due to the fact, that
software, combined with the internet can now replace a lot of jobs.

I mean look at the airport now, you barely even see employees there
anymore, because we just check in through computers now.

The airport is just one example of the thousands of jobs the internet is
taking over.

So I just really started to pay attention to this lately, simply due to the
fact, that I know if I don’t pay attention to earning a living online, that
eventually my job will be taken over as well.

Look, if you don’t have time to check out my affiliate link and give me
feedback, no worries, that is the beauty of working an online business,
because there are literally 7 billion other people online right now that I
can share my link with.

Either way, please respond to this and let me know if you are checking
it out, or if you just aren’t interested, because remember, I need to get
at least 3 people’s feedback on my new website.

You giving me feedback on my website will help me out so much!

Talk soon,

Here is my affiliate link,

You should be able to click that link above, or copy and paste it into
your browser to check it out.

Michael Bell