Subject: Hello Friend, Here is some more information on 1 Up Listbuilder


My name is Michael Bell and i would like to thank you for requesting

more information about 1Up Listbuilder. First let me start by saying

i have been working online for almost 5 years now and last year was

able to start working from home full time. I am here to help you

in any way i can. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

About 1Up Listbuilder

$15 purchases you a 15,000 List that you can use for marketing.

You receive the Name, email and cell phone number to each person.

You can use the cell phone numbers to market any business

opportunity in a Ringless Voicemail Service which we will provide access

to or you can choose your own..

Plus you are placed in a 1-Up Pay plan to earn $10 commissions to

Infinity. This is the best $15 I ever spent.

Yours In Success,
Michael Bell

p.s. We have grown to over 8k members
since just before Christmas, get in now
while its still early and reap the bigger