Subject: Happy Easter Friend, Here is a special Gift

Hello Friend,

Today you can get access to a much-needed piece of software for
cheaper and much more targeted traffic.

It's called WP InstaPixel and you can download it here:

With this plugin, you can:
- Add your facebook pixel to your blog and
- Create audience targeting events of any kind

With Facebook events, you're able to save money with your advertising
because you're able to show your offers to an audience as specific as
you choose.

Some uses for this could be to:
- Only show a certain page to someone who subscribed, but didn't buy
- Show followup ads if they bought one product, but not another
- Display ads to bring people back if they visited the checkout page but
left before buying...

And... so much more.

Oh and... yep - did I mention it's 100% free :) You can download it,
add it and have it create as many highly targeted Facebook events/
audiences without having to touch a single line of code.

Just choose what event you want to track (visit, registration, lead,
sale... or custom)
Choose which of your website pages that would happen on

This plugin does the rest, adding in the code for you so your new
audiences will be automatically available in your Facebook account.

Go ahead and grab it here

And feel free to share it with a friend know who might want to really
benefit from the cheaper and more targeted ads - without having the
high adspend costs :)

Michael Bell