Subject: Even free members will get access to this awsome funnel.

Hello Friend.

Hope your weekend was great, mine was pretty good. The purpose

for todays email is to let you in on some important information.

I am invested with a couple different online opportunities, one of

which is called Mr X. It is a top tier reseller platform and its

owner Paul Darby, amongst many things, is a world class

sales funnel builder. He has gone all in with a company called

Now Lifestyle created by 8 figure earner Joel Therien which i also

am invested with. For any member free or paid that joins Team

Black Diamond through my link will now get this same funnel to

promote and build their team with. Want to see how awsome this

funnel is, click the link below and go through it your self and get

your free account with Now Lifestyle and this super sales funnel

again at No Cost.

Hope to see you on the team, have a great day.

Yours In Success,
Michael Bell