Subject: "Drag and Drop" Your Way To Success, No Joke!

Hello {Name},
We throw the words "blueprint" & "checklist" around a lot.
"Get the Blueprint for blah, blah, blah..."


"The step-by-step checklist to blahtown..."

Now, most of those "blueprints" and "checklists" are somewhat helpful.
But every once in a while, there comes along a TRUE "checklist" of sorts. Something that you can literally print off and mark with a pencil each and every step of the process.

"Blueprints" like this are rare, but when they do show up they can have a profound impact on the way you do business.

But here's the crazy part...
Sometimes these "checklists" don't appear as "checklists" per say.
Sometimes they can appear as a blog post.
Sometimes a Youtube video.

And sometimes...
A sales page.

Now, this is going to sound crazy, but the people over at InstaBuilder have just released their new sales page for their "drag & drop" sales funnel creator (the one that over 6000 marketers are using right now)...

And I have to tell you...

If you need a "checklist" for your sales funnel (to make sure you are getting the highest conversions possible) you NEED to read that letter.

I'm not even joking right now.
Get out a pen and piece of paper, go to the sales page, and go through all 32 of those points.
If your sales funnel isn't taking advantage of EVERY SINGLE ONE of those conversion boosting tactics... then your funnel isn't performing like it should.

And what's worse...

If you are currently (or have paid in the past) for a page building software program that doesn't deliver all 32 of those points...

Then you are losing money BOTH WAYS.
So go do it. Take the 5 minutes to give yourself a spot check.

I'm not sure that they are going to leave this sales page up forever, and you will seriously regret not taking a peek at this free "checklist."

So, go do it!

To your success,
Bell Marketing Solutions, 500 college pkwy, 21012, arnold, United States
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