Subject: Don't Miss The JV Offer To Be A JV Partner It Will Never Happen Again!!

Friend Time is running out,

I wanted to let you know that in just the last 4 days,
we've signed up over 1,000 people to this auto
responder list.

And our launch membership has EXPLODED.

So the JV Partner offer with it's position, status
1/2 price is about to close for ever, meaning
we're close to doubling the price to go to our
suggested member pricing instead of the


If you are one of the people that got in, GREAT
Because you are now grandfathered in at your
JV Partner price from now on!

If you did not, as you see what we are doing
in January, we invite you to join, but instead
of being a partner, which we will never offer
again, and instead of the launch partner price
which we will never have again...

We'll welcome you in at twice that price and
still deliver to you an extraordinary value.

The question is:

build your list, and to sell all the cool
stuff you find online?

Do you want to very reasonably to expect
become wealthy giving away our free
Traffic offer of the 7 day trial, like we are?

Do you want the car allowance?

Do you want to get paid 1/2 the checks
that every referral gets that you brought

Do you want your program fully paid
for, for you with only 2 referrals?

Do you want to be one of the people
who make the REAL INCOME in 2017?

Because if you do, you should be a
part of, a member in and hooked up
with the MrX Premium MLM Traffic
And Resellers Platform!


This is your shot!

Bottom line?

You can have a better Christmas knowing
that on Jan 1 or 2nd or 3rd, when ever you
come back from Christmas dinner, that you
will have THE business that can be your
vehicle to create a DREAM INTERNET
LIFE for you!

Join now before you lose out on being
A JV Partner, you will never get to be
a JV Partner again!

I am so excited for all of us! What we have
to launch into the new year wtih!

Think of all those people needing our
platform, our traffic, and our hope and
opportunity for their future too!

Merry Christmas my friend,

Michael Bell

P.S. JV Partner Positions Closing shortly
We almost are FULL and will go to
regular member - BE A JV PARTNER