Subject: Change Everything By Monetizing Your Core Competencies

Hello Friend,

The best way to start your business off the right
foot is to examine yourself and see what your
best skills are. Here is a list of which business
model you are able to excel with:

• Writing

• Graphics Design

• Statistics

• Programming

• Networking

And this is not all. You could be good in just
about anything. Monetizing Your Writing Skills A
writer is always in demand amongst Internet
marketing circles. You will be able to monetize
in the areas of ghostwriting, copywriting,
blogging, article writing, newsletter publishing
and content creation. Contrary to what some
people may assume, creating a written product is
one of the most daunting tasks a person can
undertake. Unless you have a flair for writing,
nobody in their right mind will mass produce
E-books (unless they are willing to make huge
sacrifices for their financial goals). Writers
are also a great asset when it comes to product
launches in the Internet marketing arena. You
will be able to find joint venture partners
easily if you are willing to contribute your
writing skills to the areas of writing sales
letters, E-courses, and promo E-mails.

Monetizing Your Graphics Designing Skills Graphic
designers are also very important within the
Internet marketing niche. A graphic designer can
easily earn a hundred dollars for good quality
E-covers, blog banners and site graphics. You can
even sell the Photoshop PSD file by giving away
the rights for someone to rebrand them on their
own sites. One of the reasons why a graphic
designer (or artist) is always in demand is
because graphics tend to sell themselves. People
DO judge a book by its cover and it is very
important to tap into this psychological factor.
It can make the difference between getting a sale
and NOT getting a sale.

If you're interested in finally getting your own
Internet Marketing Business off the ground, check
out this amazing offer here:

To your success,
Michael Bell